Lord Hall, Peddling Hate Crime…Lock Him Up!

  We have already had a look at the BBC’s upcoming attempt to portray a post-Brexit Britain as akin to something that occupied Europe would have recognised in their latest piece of propaganda, SS-GB…and if you doubt that is the BBC’s intent just see what the actors think it means… Rufus Sewell in the Sunday Times…. “I thnk reducing Nazis to werewolves and zombies and vampires and aliens, as a … Continue reading

Blankety Blank

The BBC’s mind has gone blank…all is a blur…thankfully…forgetfulness is a quality that preserves their dignity. I was somewhat surprised to hear the BBC castigating the newspapers on ‘You and Yours’ for being full of stories of food prices rocketing due to Brexit.  Surprised because this has been a favourite BBC narrative since the referendum…food prices would rocket and we’d all starve…#DuetoBrexit. I was also surprised to hear that the … Continue reading


You have to hand it to the BBC, they do have chutzpah! How else to explain them doing their level best to portray notorious race hustler Diane Abbott as a role model for women entering politics? Women may be deterred from entering politics because of abuse suffered by female MPs, Diane Abbott says. The shadow home secretary said she was speaking out about her own experiences after recently receiving a series … Continue reading


I’m old enough to remember when the BBC took a very sympathetic line to the old USSR. But things have changed and the BBC now leads the charge against Putin. They have worked themselves up into a frenzy over the resignation of General Flynn, delighted that a scalp has been obtained so early on in the life of the Trump administration. They aren’t bothered about how it came to be … Continue reading


Another day and another instance of poverty hustling from the well off given max publicity on the BBC. Nearly a third of the population of Britain is living on an “inadequate” income, according to research by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF). In 2014-15, it said that 19 million people were living on less than the Minimum Income Standard (MIS). It said the problem was that household costs have been rising, while incomes have stagnated. … Continue reading

Sinister Orwellian Steamroller

The BBC is flooding the schedules with programmes designed to educate us about how unpleasant and stupid we are to vote for Trump or Brexit.  I don’t think there is a programme that in some shape or form does not have such  veiled and sinister messages implanted within either deriding and mocking Trump or scaremongering about Brexit.  Switch on the TV or radio anytime at random and you can almost … Continue reading

Going bananas about racism in sport

“Never stop speaking out, never accept the distortions, never accept the lies & never give up”   Try chucking a banana onto the pitch at a football match when a  black player appears and see the BBC’s reaction….just a laugh, just a bit o’banter?  Think not. Try putting on an anti-English advert for the Six Nations and the BBC thinks that’s all just a bit of a laugh, so much … Continue reading