Hissing at Sid

  Shortly before Sid Miller was sworn into office, the newly elected Texas agriculture chief was asked at a conservative policy forum what keeps him up at night. “Bad Mexican food,” he said. Then, after allowing a few moments for laughter:  “Actually, I sleep pretty well, but I do have some long-range concerns as I hold those two grandbabies on my lap, and I happen to wonder: When they have … Continue reading

Mid-Week Open Thread

Emma Barnett…if I was getting paid for this I’d be rolling in it as long as she’s on air.  What a star.  Today’s speciality?  Women MPs, in particular, are under attack….ala Jo Cox…and new recruits are being frightened off.  Well, might suggest alarmist and false claims by the likes of Barnett won’t help.  She told us that one woman was considering taking up the cudgel as an MP but had … Continue reading


  You can see LibDem leader Farron getting a roasting from Andrew Neil in the video above over his lies about the Brexit referendum which he claims does not give a mandate to leave the Single Market…despite it being absolutely clear, and made so by politicans on both sides of the referendum again and again, that to vote to leave the EU was a vote to leave the Single Market. … Continue reading

Alternate Facts

“The notion that religious belief is a minor factor in the rise of the Islamic State,” he observes, “is belied by a crushing weight of evidence that religion matters deeply to the vast majority of those who have travelled to fight.” The BBC’s narrative about Islamic terrorism and its intentions [the terrorism has a purpose] is distorted by its own beliefs and political agenda…it is the standard bearer for the … Continue reading

Ignorance is an excuse

We are warned today that over-cooked potatoes are dangerous to our health, however what they don’t warn us about are the threats posed to our democracy by the half-baked thoughts of half-witted BBC presenters. Just heard Douglas Caerswell talking to Adrian Chiles suggesting that though we should respect this judgement it clearly indicates that if judges are to make such political decisions then perhaps they should be appointed in a … Continue reading

The Empire Strikes back

Aaahh…My job is done…we’re back in control with my hush-puppied foot firmly back on the pleb’s necks once again.   Brexit: Supreme Court says Parliament must give Article 50 go-ahead   I suppose it is some consolation that Scotland’s own wee Idi Amin gets no say in things. The court also rejected arguments that the Scottish Parliament, Welsh Assembly and Northern Ireland Assembly should get to vote on Article 50 … Continue reading

Toady of Lord Hall

     Out of the way peasants….Ken Clarke’s coming through, riding roughshod over your hopes and dreams in his EU bandwagon fueled by the BBC’s hotair propaganda.  Move aside you plebs, you smelly, unwashed ignoramuses…your Emperor is here. Ken Stott thought that the BBC’s imposition of received pronunciation was the outward sign of an “English culture of a feeling of superiority and entitlement” and that “something we never really got … Continue reading

Tally Ho!

    It seems that Muhammed wasn’t the Seal of the Prophets after all.  Another has come among us bringing the good news and leading us into the light…her name…Emily Maitlis…our blessed Saviour.  Maitlis is on a mission from God, part of the BBC priesthood she’s here to deliver us from Trump and Brexit, fighting alternative facts, fake news and outright lies.  Let’s hope the burning bush isn’t too uncomfortable … Continue reading


Validating our long-range nuclear ballistic missile capability to the world may sound morbid, as using that capability operationally would probably mean the apocalypse, but it is entirely necessary. These missiles stand as our deterrent against such a reality ever happening. Testing them occasionally provides validation for our own military and civilian infrastructure structure that supports them, as well as reminding our potential enemies that our capabilities are very real and … Continue reading

No Go Mo

  You may have noticed recently that the BBC frequently refers to the Daily Mail apology to the Mahmood family for a Katie Hopkins’ article that suggested the reason they were prevented from travelling to the US was not an outrageous case of Islamophobia but perhaps there were sufficient grounds for doing so.  Not sure why the Mail surrendered so easily and not only apologised but coughed up a large … Continue reading