Thursday Open Thread

  I can confirm this site has not been hacked, filmed in salacious acts, had secret meetings with shady Russian backers nor conspired to bring down America. This is all our own work….apart from the kompromat provided by our excellent agents in the field who leak the sordid details of BBC bias to us via various nefarious and secret methods….carry on the good work chaps…your country needs you…whichever country that … Continue reading

Forget me not

  Forgetfulness, a useful quality, a quality which ensures we can stand tall in the world as it crumbles around us and we can forget that it is we who helped cause that world to crumble.  ‘We’ being the BBC. Interesting to hear the new narrative from Justin Webb on the Today programme.  Now Obama’s grand tour of the UK as he was bussed in by Cameron and the Remainers … Continue reading

Mid-Week Open Thread

The ‘deep left’ Mary Riddell and someone from the Economist, the Economist which just printed a hatchet job on May, on the Today programme to discuss May, Brexit and ‘muddle’….no bias there then.  The BBC failing to challenge Corbyn as he says he is not wedded to freedom of movement but, oh, hang on, demands we remain members of the Single Market which entails keeping freedom of movement…so pretty much … Continue reading

The Golden Age of Israeli Science

  The BBC knows that most people when asked about Islam will reveal that they have negative views about the ideology judging it unpleasant, backward, homophobic, mysogynist, anti-Semitic and violent, not to mention most terrorists are Muslim.  The BBC, tasked by its Charter with maintaining a civil society and cohesion, has decided that the best way to tackle such prejudiced, ill-informed and ignorant beliefs is first to create an understanding … Continue reading

The ‘Ugly mood in our country post-Brexit’

    Following our look at the Guardian’s concerns about Ofcom’s pro-BBC bias have a look at why a genuinely independent and effective BBC regulator is badly needed…from ‘News-Watch’ as it reports the BBC’s stone-walling response to its complaint about the BBC’s constant, malicious and racist, anti-white, labelling of post-Brexit Britain  as a nastier, more racist place…..[if you read Press reports on the day you will actually note that the … Continue reading

The Guardian’s Guardian Guardian

Is the Guardian acting as the Guardian of the media guardian Ofcom or is it actually being critical of it? Whichever, it comes to something when even the Guardian notices that Ofcom is jampacked to the gills with BBC types which kind of makes a mockery of Government plans to use Ofcom as the BBC’s new independent regulator…. For what is this monster, as the scales drop from tabloid eyes? … Continue reading

A Government for ‘All the Media’

  Good to see that Theresa May is putting her principles into action and is making sure that it is not just the elitist, entitled, self-aggrandising BBC that gets the opportunity to broadcast and print the breaking stories which previously ensured its inherited status as the news broadcaster of choice….government media releases for all the Media. Perhaps we are seeing a new world where the BBC is quietly sidelined and … Continue reading

Russia’s ‘Investigation’ into Clinton’s email scandal

    It is now clear that Russia has been viciously maligned and defamed by claims that it hacked Hillary Clinton’s emails in order to influence the US election.  Russia was merely carrying out an ‘investigation’ using skilled outside investigators in the interests of truth and honesty that it believes should be part of the electoral process. The same way that Qatar used its Muslim propaganda ‘news’ organisation, Al Jazeera, … Continue reading

Little Nothings

Some examples of the BBC’s reporting that clearly demonstrate its political inclinations…. Here the EU is the blameless victim as terrorists move freely around Europe…it’s not the EU’s open border policy but a failure of the selfish nation states that is a problem…we need to change the culture and have more co-operation and information sharing…ie give the EU more control….[oh…and having effective border controls will be hugely expensive…so let’s not … Continue reading

Whipped Dog

    The squeaky wheel gets the most grease, a lesson that Muslim agitators learnt a long time ago as a few bombs, vigorous and cynical use of the race/Islamophobia card and cries of victimhood saw the Establishment blackmailed and bullied into handing out favoured group status to Muslims in the UK….Warsi is the prime example….Chair of the Tory Party because of her talent and skill?  Or because she was … Continue reading