Greed is good

  What to make of Globalisation?  One moment it is the arch-villain with rapacious, immoral capitalism laying waste to societies and Occupy the favoured anarchist warriors of choice at the BBC, then suddenly not so much, Bankers are in, Big Business is beloved and the unemployed mere whingers, shirkers perhaps, who just don’t get it.  ‘Populist’ scum. Of course Big Business and the Bankers all supported Remain so no surprise … Continue reading

Media Meddling

  The BBC reports… David Cameron ‘tried to get Mail editor sacked’ over Brexit stance The proprietor of the Daily Mail told its editor that David Cameron pressed for him to be sacked during the EU referendum, BBC Newsnight has learned. Lord Rothermere told Paul Dacre the prime minister urged him to rein in his pro-Brexit editor, then suggested he sack him, a source told the BBC. Perhaps Newsnight could … Continue reading

Anti-Semitism…The Facts…Just Not The Facts As You Know Them

    Imagine my surprise when I heard 5Live telling us in concerned tones that anti-Semitism was on the rise in universities.  I was surprised because it was not four weeks ago that I was posting about the BBC scrambling to put out a counter to claims that anti-Semitism was rife at universities.  I guess the BBC didn’t want our Christmas to be spoiled with all those claims reminding us … Continue reading

Facts, Alt-Facts, or Just No Facts?

  The BBC has been blitzing us with half-truths and lies by omission as it continues its assault on Trump. Got to laugh at those who whinge about Trump getting a state visit so ‘early’…same people probably applauded Obama getting the Nobel Peace Prize as he took office. The BBC in all its hours of coverage have never, in my hearing, mentioned that Obama also blocked Iraqi refugees for 6 … Continue reading


The BBC coverage of Brexit is dire. They still can’t handle the fact we voted OUT  and so they desperately hang on to any lifeline to keep their EU hopes alive. Take the way they cover this story… Leaders of the devolved governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are to press for a greater role in Brexit negotiations when they hold talks with Theresa May in Cardiff. The Scottish and … Continue reading


Further to Alan’s post below, the BBC are in full on “Muslim victimhood” mongering mode. This morning, the utterly DIRE Today programme, was out to try and link together several stories. First of all, they had Trump “rowing” back on his “Muslim Ban.”  In fact neither has happened. The detail in the legislation brought forward by the President makes it clear that this is a temporary travel restriction on people … Continue reading


Who, what, where, when, why. Fairly basic journalistic principles.  Not for the BBC who when ‘reporting’ a shooting in a Canadian mosque fail utterly too bring us any information of any relevance other than this was ‘a terrorist attack on Muslims’ thus suggesting it was non-Muslims doing the shooting.  It could be.  But two minutes on Google and you find out first it is a Sunni Muslim cultural centre [so … Continue reading

The Douzey that is the Dozy Doucet

  Three very seriously and dangerously subversive anti-Western, anti-Trump narratives in one interview from Lyse Doucet to which I referred earlier but Craig at Is the BBC biased? [hell yeah] has helpfully gone to the huge effort of transcribing…. First, that terrorism is our fault and that any action we take to tackle it only angers Muslims more and radicalises them more.  Doucet says this is a ban on all … Continue reading


It’s not just a BIASED broadcaster, it’s disreputable and a menace. BBC coverage of President Trump’s first week has been a scandal and as I write this it is foaming at the mouth about a non-existing ‘Muslim Ban”. Just about EVERY BBC presenter (including, lamentably Andrew Neil) is hostile to Trump and their studios are full of “experts” who come to damn Trump. There is NO pretence at balance, this … Continue reading