Anna Soubry…..EU Stooge

      “It is very clear tonight that, while the House has not passed a motion, it is clear to me that the British parliament, reflecting the views of the British people, does not want to see British military action. I get that and the government will act accordingly.”   Anna Soubry, a woman who is a complete stranger to the truth, who is the living embodiment of the … Continue reading

Open Thread Thursday

  The bias is endless and relentless…guess the BBC should just be shut down or its money be shared out with other news organisations…the money that is all too easily come by and taken for granted.  The BBC’s Nihal had a sneer at Amazon today as he told us that ‘The Man in the High Castle’ was Amazon’s top rating programme…then added ‘That’ll be 74 people then’.  Easy to sneer … Continue reading

The rise of Islamo-Fascism exposed

    Is ‘Islamo-Fascism’ on the rise in Europe? 4 hours ago Is so-called ‘Islamo-Fascism’ on the rise in Europe? The disparate movement is normally associated with Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and is accused of racism, anti-Semitism and misogyny. BBC Newsnight‘s Gabriel Gatehouse reports from Sweden, Germany and France. Never happen on the BBC…however this just did….. Is the ‘alt-right’ on the rise in Europe? 4 hours ago Is the … Continue reading

The Road to Hell….signposted by the good men and women of the BBC

Tens of thousands dead, millions forced from their homes,  a terrorist state created on the borders of Europe and Europe destabilised and heading for religious war in the years to come. Who to blame for this tragedy? The BBC, the Guardian, Muslims backed by Corbyn and his treacherous Stop the War collaborators broke the will of the political establishment to engage in ‘muscular liberalism’, to protect human rights and to … Continue reading


Well then, I am just back from a 10 day break in Miami and the media contrast could not be greater. Over there, I watched FOX News and shared in the sense of National excitement as President Elect Trump prepares to make America great again. The misery gut sore losers at CNN, ABC, MSNBC etc are all too busy having a temper tantrum and blaming the Russians for the catastrophic … Continue reading


A B-BBC reader writes… “We all recall the BBC and the rest of the MSM ghoulish exploitation of the murder of Jo Cox to further their own political agenda. The conflation with Brexit, hate crime and white supremacism to tar millions of people as racist bigots was just too appealing to ignore at the expense of the poor woman’s ghastly murder. So when I heard that a man had been … Continue reading

The Reality…Breaking the silence

  The BBC brings us wonderful and highly misleading images of Islam in the UK….but others, less intent on hiding the truth, reveal all…are Muslims really fighting back in huge numbers against the ‘radicals’ even as more and more young Muslims become ever-more ‘devout’ and self-identifying as ‘Muslim’ first and foremost?….and did ‘radicalisation’ really start in 2003 because of the Iraq War as the BBC wants you to believe?…. From … Continue reading

Out of the mouths of babes and Muslims….or Muslim babes

  ‘You kids don’t know nothing – Islam will take over, there will be mosques everywhere, you must think of your after-life – not this life. Kaffirs will burn in the fire of hell.’ ‘The extremists have had over twenty five uncontested years to mobilise the minds of British Muslims and their backwardness now dominates some areas. ‘ The BBC doesn’t do ads, except of course it does….relentlessly plugging its … Continue reading

Muslims Don’t Like Us

    The BBC is attempting a fresh assault upon our perceptions and the Truth as it broadcasts ‘Muslims Like Us’ in the hope that we all come to realise Muslims are just like us…’Us’ being normal, liberal, democratic beings who value democracy, freedom of speech and thought and freedom of lifestyle without it being regulated by some bloke in a beard who dictates to us from a 1400 year … Continue reading