Sons of the Desert, Sons of Anarchy

The Today programme wrapped up today with the usual BBC Islamist nonsense…that the Prevent anti-radicalisation programme is a complete failure that alienates Muslims and must be scrapped…and of course that Mosques and Islam do not radicalise Muslims…it’s the internet.  Oh…and there is no ‘clash of civilisations’….we all get along famously. Interesting that Sara Khan wasn’t invited on to talk about Prevent…possibly because she has been making a very positive case … Continue reading

Trump….the new Churchill?

  Samira Ahmed has this pinned to the top of her Twitter feed… Pinned Tweet Samira Ahmed ‏@SamiraAhmedUK Nov 15 Trying to find English metaphor for how Trump’s presidency feels to his critics. Come up with: Like Rob from The Archers taking over Radio4. Let’s help her out….a metaphor for the Trump revolution from England…how about the other great outsider, Winston Churchill, who took over unexpectedly in the middle of … Continue reading

Fake Newswatch

  Fascinating, the presenter of BBC’s Newswatch’s reaction to the story about Justin webb and his false claim that Breitbart’s ex-chairman was anti-Semitic.  Was the reaction of one of the BBC’s ‘watchdogs’ one of horror and apology for this outrageous slur?  [H/T  DB and Is the BBC biased?] Errrr…no.  Quite the opposite in fact.  She, Samira Ahmed, wanted more….she thought the problem was that Webb allowed the interviewee [Joel Pollak, … Continue reading

Webb of Deceit

    The BBC has suddenly become very interested in protecting Jews from anti-Semitic political figures, no not those in the Labour Party but those who come from the ‘Alt-Right’ as the BBC’s new Newspeak lexicon of words and phrases hunts out new ways to define and defame Trump and his supporters ….along with the great phrase ‘Post Truth’ . [What’s so great about that phrase is that it immediately … Continue reading

The BBC has gone to war

  The BBC has gone to war, against the government, against those who voted for Brexit,  against Trump and those who voted for him.  The BBC’s bubble, it’s comfort zone, where it and its fellow travellers control the media narrative and thus they hope the politicians, is being rapidly burst as the unthinkable happens, and keeps on happening.  A majority Tory government was never supposed to happen, the BBC predicted … Continue reading


The BBC milked this story for all it has been worth as part of its nauseating “The Government doesn’t know what to do about Brexit”…..and then this arrived later in the day Downing Street has “wholeheartedly” rejected comments in a memorandum leaked to the press describing cabinet “divisions” over Brexit. The document, compiled by consultancy firm Deloitte and obtained by the Times newspaper, says Whitehall is working on 500 Brexit-related … Continue reading


A Biased BBC reader writes… “The News at Ten carried a rather gratuitous and grizzly feature last night where Ian Pannell prances around with the drug cartels, ghoulishly watching people inject heroin and dishevelled child drug mules, to show what an amazing journalist he is. The images of squalor, desperation, jacking up and overdosing were framed against Donald Trump’s “build a wall” policy.   We know that, for the BBC, exposure to … Continue reading


  Fom Guido: The BBC’s World News America presenter Katty Kay is somewhat creatively telling US television viewers that Britons regret voting for Brexit. Last night Katty said on NBC’s Meet the Press that people didn’t really want to Leave and that Remain would win a second referendum: “We did opinion polls afterwards that showed that, actually, if we were to hold the referendum again, Remain would win. There were people who … Continue reading

National Stealth Service?

    The Labour Party is in turmoil and unable to provide an effective opposition and so the BBC steps up and does the job for them.  There are changes being planned for the NHS and the BBC has decided to shout very loudly that, in its interpretation of a study, these are being kept secret for political reasons.  That’s despite being told in no uncertain manner by the report’s … Continue reading