Trump The Terrible

  Here’s a video [h/t Is the BBC biased?] that talks truth to Power [the power that is the massive domination of the Left in the Media, academia, commentary and those who use ‘shaming’ tactics to try and silence opposition]   One quibble…he says that debate will win the Left the argument…..he presupposes that the Left’s argument is the correct one and it only needs to be articulated for the … Continue reading

Doctoring the news

Over a year ago, reported by the Washington Post, Trump said he would keep the Obamacare provision for pre-existing conditions….somewhat late, the BBC has just reported this ‘news’ as a breathtaking u-turn by Trump having ‘spent the whole campaign promising to repeal Obamacare’…as BBC News is now reporting disingenuously without the qualification of the inconvenient truth. The BBC is headlining with Trump loving Obamacare and u-turning on his pledge to … Continue reading


I have been live tweeting BBC Question Time for some years now. However last night, I gave up in disgust after about half an hour. The BIAS against the election of Donald Trump was incredible. A panel was selected – four women and one man (no transgenders though) that was plainly there to put the boot into Trump. Yvette Cooper kept blurting out “misogynistic” as if she had Tourettes. A … Continue reading

Even the Guardian recognises the truth

  Clinton was the wrong, and equally tainted, candidate, the Media gave her unquestioning support, and the Liberal elite takes it for granted that it is correct about everything and can rule on without a regard to the real world…..   Donald Trump is moving to the White House, and liberals put him there ‘Democratic leaders made Hillary their candidate even though they knew about her closeness to the banks, … Continue reading


    Funny old day…couldn’t tune in the radio at all…thought it was a lot of white noise or interference due to the stormy weather recently but actually was the sound of liberals squealing in horror as the Hillbilly rednecks shafted them mercilessly…..along with all those Hispanics, Blacks, women and oh yes…a majority of young college graduates who apparently voted Trump.  All those people whom the BBC said would never … Continue reading

Stealing the world

  The New York Times [CEO the BBC’s Mark Thompson] is in meltdown as it reels in horror at a Trump Presidency declaring in its editorial…. Editorial Donald Trump’s Revolt A heedless desire for change puts America on a precipice Note that ‘heedless desire for change’…..not so long ago change was good, romantic, heroic…. As for ‘heedless’….clearly the New York Times hasn’t been paying attention to what The People are … Continue reading


Well then. The morning after. I have never enjoyed watching the BBC more as it chokes on the news that Donald Trump has won convincingly and is President Elect. Their coverage of the Election has been SO one-sided, SO pro-Clinton and SO anti-Trump that watching their smug faces coming to terms with the fact that they completely mis-read it has been fantastic to behold. Even Andrew Neil, the one BBC … Continue reading

The ‘Old Deplorables’

  ‘It seems to me that over time you’ve been often ahead of your time, you’ve been sometimes misunderstood, fought off a lot of prejudice. Do you think that, today, America understands you and is ready to accept you?’ No, not a question to Trump, though it should have been, but a piece of fawning from a BBC journo to Clinton [H/T DB and Is the BBC biased?]   Has … Continue reading

‘Parliamentary Democracy’ or ‘Parliamentary Fascism’?

  Parliamentary Democracy…the new buzzword  phrase that is being bandied about by pro-EU types as if it was the sword in the stone….the kingmaker and cure for all Britain’s woes…ironically…because of course there’s nothing they’d like less than British parliamentary democracy preferring instead to be ruled by an unelected Commission in Brussels. Naturally their new found enthusiasm for ‘Parliamentary Democracy’ is nowt but a ploy to undermine that very concept.  … Continue reading