No news in the truth and no truth in the news

    Lord Hall Hall must be proud, the so-called news corporation that he runs has just had two of the most dishonest and biased days of its life, and that’s saying something.  Lord Hall Hall should once again be dragged before a Parliamentary committee to explain just how this publicly funded organisation, that is supposedly the gold standard for news organisations, is allowed by Lord Hall Hall to provide … Continue reading

Globalisation Mobilisation

  The IMF announces the world economy is in crisis and globalisation is under threat.   So we must have more globalisation. Hmmm…so a world economy based upon globalisation of finance, labor and trade is failing and has been for a decade due to globalisation and the IMF wants more…and the BBC peddles that narrative for them…opposing the ‘little englanders’ and Trumps of the world who apparently want to close down … Continue reading


There is really no point in turning to the BBC for any balanced coverage of any aspect of the US Presidential election. Last night saw the first V-P TV debate, and this is what the BBC had to say. It was a scattershot debate marred by frequent interruption, where moderator Elaine Quijado lost control of the discussion for stretches. In the end, however, it was a battle that Mike Pence … Continue reading


Well then, Diane James has quit as UKIP leader and the BBC are relishing the situation. Their delight is obvious and whilst I accept this is a wholly self-inflicted own goal from an imploding UKIP, just think back to how the BBC casually smooths over the chasms in Labour whilst desperately, oh so desperately, seeking to find any in the Conservative Party! UKIP has been a particular target for BBC … Continue reading

Friends in high places

    It must be good to be ‘one of the claque’, one of the elite who can snap their fingers and have the BBC hand over the resources and airtime to allow you to peddle your own pet prejudices.  Lenny Henry of course has been the most obvious recipient of such largesse as his mates get jobs on the basis of their skin colour at the Beeb and now … Continue reading


A Biased BBC reader writes… “A 98 per cent vote in favour of a referendum? That’s a landslide. Alas, for the BBC in its coverage of Hungary’s vote to decline the EU’s plan of handing them hundreds of Muslim migrants, the low turnout (43 per cent) “appeared to render it [the vote] invalid”. Yes, like Brexit, the results have to be questioned. However, unlike the 48-52 per cent Brexit margin that was … Continue reading

Religiously sanctioned murder

  This post is linked to the last in that it looks at the BBC’s hypocritical stance on hate crimes…those done by Muslims being swept under the carpet or excused as ‘justifiable’ in some shape or form…for instance the killing of Ahmadi shop keeper Asad Shah, we are told, was because he was a blasphemer and had offended ‘real’ Muslims by insulting Islam….his death was really his own fault.  Naturally … Continue reading

One side to every tale

    The BBC updates what is happening in the Jo Cox murder trial… Jo Cox MP death: Murder accused Thomas Mair refuses to enter pleas Naturally they avoid mentioning that Mair had mental health issues whereas they mention it relentlessly as an excuse for Muslim killers. The death of Jo Cox resulted in an outpouring of anguish about the state of political discourse and how Brexit had poisoned the … Continue reading