BBC in positively gushing mode this morning. Why? About 6,500 migrants have been rescued off Libya, the Italian coastguard says, in one of the biggest operations of its kind to date. Some 40 co-ordinated rescue missions took place about 20km (12 miles) off the Libyan town of Sabratha, it added. Video footage shows migrants, said to be from Eritrea and Somalia, cheering and some swimming to rescue vessels, while others carried babies … Continue reading


Ever year it’s the same. The Notting Hill Carnival is little more than a prolonged opportunity for crime and thuggery. Here’s the charge street for “Children’s Day” The BBC does report the violence but you know that it also approves of this farcical annual street crime fest.

Liddle known facts

      You may have noticed the BBC’s reluctance to bring to your attention the fact that Brexit hasn’t resulted in instant armageddon as promised by the Remain campaign.  Whilst the PMI figures were taken by the BBC as definitive proof that the economy post-referendum is in a nosedive any news that confounds the Remain alarmist’s claims is not reported or is downplayed…the BBC telling us that in such … Continue reading

Anjem who?

  When the Law finally caught up with Anjem Choudary and after a decade of giving him prime-time platforms to spout his rhetoric with Mark Easton comparing him to Ghandi, Mandela and Churchill the BBC have decided that…. ‘It wasn’t a game. The evidence now shows that Anjem Choudary is one of the most dangerous men in Britain. Not a bomb-maker. Not a facilitator. But an ideologue, a thinker, who … Continue reading


I suppose it is just way too tempting for the BBC. They INSTANTLY pile on this report, with all kinds of race hustlers on the 10 news  -including some very chip on their shoulder Notting Hill “Carnival” types queuing up to inform us that Black and Etnic Minoritiess are …the most discriminated people ever in the history of the universe. Prime Minister Theresa May has ordered a review into how ethnic … Continue reading


A B-BBC reader notes… “Following on from your latest post I decided to check out the Newsround website. Clicking on the ‘most popular’ section I found every one of the top 5 articles relates to Muslims. Every single one. This is worrying. Either children are taking a very active interest in all things Muslim or the bbc are manipulating the ‘most read’ section to suit their agenda. Scary stuff either way.” … Continue reading


Here’s a great guest post by a Biased BBC regular. I think it illuminates the essential point that the BBC’s bias is dangerous. Give this a read, well worth your time. “The BBC’s contemporary battle for hearts, minds and souls extends far beyond the purile petulance of its news outlets. Such is the BBC’s eagerness to produce the next generation of politically correct, self-loathing social justice dhimmis that they are now indoctrinating … Continue reading


I had to laugh. In the 6.30-7am slot reserved each morning for full on BBC regressive leftist nonsense on the Today programme on Radio 4, we were treated this morning to a paean to Marx! How the BBC love to show their communist roots.