Midweek 2 August 2023
Over to You
Over to You
A review of BBC Funding ? To be done by the current ‘government ‘ . Well here is a hint – subscription only – you want it – you pay for it . Not the taxpayer…
Quite a week – and if you are looking for reasons to defund the BBC – it’s all been there.
Integrity is meant to be big in the State Funded BBC . But in 2 weeks it has seen a leading Newsreader confined to a mental hospital after paying for sexual pictures of a ‘young person ‘ Now its ’ ‘business editor ‘ has been found to have received private bank details of a politician and misreported the circumstances of his cancellation by partly State owned bank . The BBC … Continue reading
Over to you .
If 500 000 TV Licence holders dumped theirs last year – why don’t you ?
Please Cancel your TV licence – 500 000 did last year . Over to You
BBC scandal ? More to follow.
The investigation of the conduct of the 4th highest paid BBC presenter continues . Maybe the ‘victims ‘will come forward to give their account . In any event the BBC – in its 100th year – remains subject to criticism- from which it will continue to try to deflect.
And the BBC scandal goes on and on …. Let’s hope the damage is permanent