Tomorrow sees the long awaited White Paper from the Government on the future of the BBC. I reckon it’s going to be a damp squib but the luvvies are in semi-hysterical mode as we saw at the BAFTA TV awards. Your thoughts? I know I will be discussing this on the BBC, Talk Radio and elsewhere tomorrow so I’d welcome your insights.

More BBC Brexit Alarmism

  We noted earlier that the BBC was blaming the EU referendum for the slowdown in employment despite the fact that the US faces a similar problem and today the BBC once again makes a similarly false claim, saying that British industry is in recession due to fears of Brexit quoting this…. “Growth could be even weaker if the surveys disappoint in coming month, which seems probable given the intensifying … Continue reading

Not Amused

    A pool cameraman for the BBC, ITV and Sky filmed the Queen making a comment about the visit of a Chinese delegation to London saying they had been ‘very rude’. The BBC has led with this for most of the day as their top story on the radio, and apparently Derbyshire also ventured there [As always looking for the important story] and the BBC blasted it out over … Continue reading

See no evil

  “The typical response of Britain’s political and media elite confronted with awkward facts has been evasion, because – we say – talking about these issues won’t solve the problem; instead, it will stigmatise vulnerable minority groups,” he said. “Any attempt to ask whether aspects of minority disadvantage may be self-inflicted is denounced as ‘blaming the victim’. “Instead, we prefer to answer any difficult questions by focusing on the historic … Continue reading

Afghan Odd-yssey

Deepjoy….this morning the BBC were once again trying to use a bit of emotional blackmail to keep the borders flung wide open as the Today programme spun a tale of thousands of desperate migrants dying and being lost or buried in unnamed graves across the Mediterranean.  We had the sad tale of an Afghan who couldn’t find his family and had to sell his home in Afghanistan to fund a … Continue reading


Self loathing, the hallmark of many BBC leftists, has been nicely exposed in this story. A range of British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) television departments, programmes, and radio stations are currently offering highly desirable, paid internships, but white people are prohibited from applying.  Creative Access – an organisation, registered as a charity, which offers placements at “many of the UK’s top media organisations” – has listed a number of BBC placements … Continue reading

Pax Europa

    The BBC really has given up all semblance of balance and impartiality on the EU as it bombards us with ‘news’ and interprets it as showing Brexit as a risk and fails somehow to be equally alert to the dangers of staying and being engulfed in a Euro state that is surely on the cards.  The slow down in employment we are told has many causes but the … Continue reading

Perfection Nothing less     From the Guardian…. Six-year-olds need delight, not drilling – this grammar regime is a farce Angela Moore As a teacher I’m glad the spelling, punctuation and grammar test had to be scrapped this year. We need to stop colluding with this damaging system… There’s little room for deep and meaningful learning, politicians are far too busy ensuring that we are counting.   Listening to the BBC and … Continue reading


Here’s a new Open Thread to start the week. And the BBC Today programme on Radio 4 starts the week with a leftwing vengeance. In just 45 minutes we had the following political memes; The evil John Wittingdale is out to destroy the BBC. An excitable speech by Peter Kominsky at the BAFTA TV awards is hyped up by the luvvies to suggest apocalypse now for our “National Treasure” which … Continue reading