Islamising Europe and the Demonisation of Israel

  The BBC’s coverage and reporting from the Middle East, and closer to home on the subject of Islam, terrorism, radicalisation and the ‘clash of civilisations’, has been dishonest, deliberately misleading and dangerous.  The BBC has devoted its reporting to defending and supporting extremists, to hiding the truth of what Muslim intentions are in the West, hiding the true nature of Islam as an ideology, and hiding events across Europe … Continue reading

Gear Change

  Whoo whoooo!!! Top Gear’s back.  Oh crap.  Chris Evans is in charge….but Joey…not bad…an oversized American Hamster. Top Gear’s on the road again and it’s pretty much the same…technically…but it’s heart and soul have gone AWOL.  Production values and the elements that made up the original content are there…but the personality?  Where’s it gone?  At Top Gun school in the US, a German racing driver up against a Brit … Continue reading

Hot Chicks And Guns…Welcome to BBTV

      Fed up with the PC pap that the millionaire comics of the BBC serve up to you?  Fed up being lectured on poverty and austerity by the Hampstead millionaire militants whose most traumatic life experience was finding out that Waitrose had run out of Houmous? Fed up with smart-arse middle-class righteous radicals whose whole comic routine consists solely of shouting ‘Trump’ and sniggering with a sneer at … Continue reading

Last Rites For The Last Whites

It has been brought to my attention that we have been wasting our time on this site.  BBC bias? Nonsense!  What bias?  We have been cherry-picking selective examples of bias whilst ignoring the proliferation of good, unbiased journalism and programming that the BBC broadcasts so regularly.  The most recent evidence for this is a controversial programme broadcast recently called ‘Last Whites of the East End’.  This programme was Alf Garnet, … Continue reading

Vote Leave and it’s War

    Cameron resorted to wild-eyed rhetoric exclaiming that voting to leave the EU will result in another world war and despite being widely ridiculed for his stupid, divisive and wrong hyperbole the BBC has quietly taken to promoting his pro-EU propaganda that war will be the inevitable result of a leave vote. A story about the Battle of Verdun in WWI has been hijacked by the BBC and has … Continue reading

Not the BBC News

  What doesn’t the BBC want you to know in the run up to the referendum? What is the one and only question that is the core of the EU referendum vote? The economy is important, immigration is important, red tape and bureaucracy are important but there is one factor that overrides and determines all those issues….Ever Closer Union, the creation of the EU superstate that, with it’s unelected government … Continue reading

Muslims under siege?

  Thanks to Guest Who for this… BBC Radio 4 18 hrs · Radio 4 is making a documentary about racial anxiety in a time of terror, called ‘Frightened of each other’s shadows’. Do you find yourself worrying about plane journeys and analysing the appearance of fellow passengers before take-off? Do people make stupid jokes about terrorism when you’re around or move away from you on the tube if you’re … Continue reading

Carry On Doctoring The News

Junior doctors are accused of risking patient’s lives in their “political game” as a leak of more than 1,000 pages of WhatsApp exchanges, dating back to November, reveal   Junior doctors put patient’s lives on the line so they could get more saturday overtime whilst all the time claiming the strikes were about patient safety.  And the interest from the BBC now?  Zilch. I have been looking hard, very hard, … Continue reading