Brotherly Love

    A Muslim shopkeeper, Asad Shah, in Glasgow, has been savagely murdered soon after posting an Easter greeting to Christians..   The Mail says that ‘Police Scotland confirmed to MailOnline that everyone currently involved in the investigation was Muslim following the arrest of a man aged 32.’ Why does the BBC not report that?  Instead it limits its report to this ‘Police Scotland said the death was currently being … Continue reading

One side to every BBC story

    Not a good day for the BBC.  Or, in other words, just another day for the BBC. On the Today programme as someone from the RUSI,  Dr Karin von Hippel, came on to discuss Brussels and who said that ISIS’ success in recruiting lay in it’s image of ‘invincibility’…the BBC presenter asked if it wasn’t really the unfairness of the West’s attacks on IS targets that radicalised Muslims…The … Continue reading

Is he so wrong?

    The world upside down, Piers Morgan turns right and Jeremy Clarkson comes out as a flabby liberal (although if you’d read his books you’d know that already). The politicians are flooding the airwaves, talking a good fight with grandiose, puffed up, self-serving bombast about their urgent mission to end the scourge of terrorism [by sitting on their arses] and then also tell us we must unite, all cultures, … Continue reading

Poor, uneducated and marginalised?….licence to kill granted

    The BBC et al have been pumping out the narrative that the Belgium bombers were poor, uneducated and marginalised….one BBC journo this morning said ‘It’s not an excuse but…it helps explain.’ One Eurocrat came on to ‘explain’ how it was all the fault of Muslim single mothers who struggle to make ends meet….cue outrage from the left?  Not a peep, the BBC journo didn’t raise an eyebrow so … Continue reading


  Muslim terrorists strike again and for the BBC what is the real concern?  The victims….not the ones killed and injured, not their relatives, but those who bombed Belgium, those who provided the narrative that encouraged and incited those bombers. Nicky Campbell was straight off the mark with talk of  a ‘disaffected’ community in Molenbeek and then we had the EU politicians who came onto the programme to tell us … Continue reading

Rolling Thunder

These results prompted the campaign group 38 Degrees to warn the government to leave the BBC alone. Lorna Greenwood, the campaign manager at the organisation, which launched a petition signed by 400,000 people calling on the BBC to be protected, said: “There is huge public support for a properly funded and fully independent BBC. “It’s been rumoured that the government has declared ‘war on the BBC’. But this huge show … Continue reading

Poor but happy…more is less

  The Young Conservative, Nick Robinson, is proof positive that joining an organisation such as the BBC eventually means you will be absorbed into the orthodoxy and conform to the majority view, the BBC news-speak….Nick is now an Old Communist at heart as he suggests on the Today programme yesterday how sad it is that Cuba opens its doors to the malign influences of the Great Satan where ‘there may … Continue reading


  Obama to visit Cuba. The Ladies in White are a Cuban dissident group formed in 2013 by the wives of political prisoners. Some of the group’s members will meet US President Barack Obama next week when he visits Cuba. The trip is the first for a US president in decades. The US government has continued to criticise the Cuban government for human rights abuses and cracking down on protest … Continue reading