Question Time Live Chat

David Dimbleby presents Question Time from Chelmsford. On the panel this week are: Ukip’s Roger Helmer MEP, director of the Institute of Economic Affairs, Mark Littlewood; Cameronian clown Nicky Morgan MP, Labour’s shadow defence secretary Emily Thornberry MP, and finally, for the SNP (since this week’s show is in southern England) trade and industry spokesperson Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh MP. Presumably she spends her days twiddling her thumbs.

Kick off tomorrow (Thursday) at 22.45

Chat here, register here if necessary.

The CBI and the BBC

  Is the BBC still a member of the CBI?  The BBC suspended its membership during the Scottish independence referendum when the CBI joined the No campaign…..did it renew its membership? The CBI is now supporting staying in the EU though disingenuously not doing so ‘officially’…. CBI to make economic case to remain in EU after reaffirming strong member mandate It tells us that…. 80% of CBI members, when weighted … Continue reading

Roger must be fuming

Roger Harrabin’s grip on the BBC’s science output must have slipped as the below is something he would definitely not approve of… coincidence perhaps that it is an ITV journalist who made the programme… Saving Science from the Scientists Is science quite as scientific as it’s supposed to be? ITV Science Correspondent Alok Jha takes a look at how science research is really carried out, to find out if it … Continue reading

The EU, world peace, saving the environment, and saving you from yourself

      The EU as we know has saved the world from another world war and, possibly less known to us all, has saved the environment from the depredations of the savage, heathen Brittunculi. The Environment after Exit From Roman Snails and Great Crested Newts in East Anglia to the lemon sole of the English Channel and the wind turbines of Fife, European legislation has a significant impact on … Continue reading

The EU Turkey       Shame such explorations of the EU question are few and far between on the BBC….though I should say it is difficult to assess the BBC’s coverage as it is vast and spread widely….however it is rare to hear such negative thoughts about the EU and the government propaganda on the BBC… all too readily slips into ‘we’re doomed’ if we leave the EU mode by … Continue reading

The ‘No drama’ Obama

    How times change…except for the weak and useless EU. Curious how the BBC treated Obama’s attack on Cameron over Libya…..the BBC seemed to be reluctant to go along with the attack, underplayed it and justified Cameron’s position. This might raise a few eyebrows as the BBC normally blames the Libyan ‘adventure’ as one of the reasons for helping to radicalise Muslims, the rise of ISIS and the immigration … Continue reading

Smearing by association

      Why is the BBC using the term ‘right-wing’ to describe Breivik in their news bulletins and on the web? Jailed Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik has given a Nazi salute upon returning to court to argue that his isolation violates his rights. The right-wing extremist says he is being held in inhuman conditions but the state rejects this. Why is he not ‘Far-Right’?  The BBC spends … Continue reading


    The BBC reports the CBI saying its members overwhelmingly support staying in the EU…..what the BBC makes no mention of is that the real reason they want to stay is the flow of cheap labour that is made available to them to import which saves them the cost of paying proper wages and of having to train British workers as they can poach those already trained by their … Continue reading

Babar Blacksheep…

    Babar blacksheep do you have any wool to pull over the eyes of the liberal media? Andrew Gilligan thinks he does… Babar Ahmad – a convicted terrorist – is pulling the wool over the liberal media’s eyes From Tony Blair over the Iraq dossier, to the parliamentary expenses cheats who ended in jail, the last resort of any scoundrel is to claim that he acted in “good faith”. … Continue reading