History Lesson

  The BBC has been giving it both barrels today about the ‘teacher shortage’….a scandalous, never known before,  disaster that the Tories are responsible for apparently. Curous that this ‘sudden’ disaster is one that is an ever recurring one, not just in the UK but around the world…. ‘The attraction and retention of teachers is a problem faced by schools worldwide and possibly more so in the public sector.’ The … Continue reading

Eyes wide shut

    Had a little chuckle today when I heard a BBC presenter announce that… ‘Outside the corridors of power there is more support than you might imagine for David Cameron’s renegotiations with the EU’ Well yeah, fancy that, imagine that….The People are sick of the EU’s undemocratic impositions….just how long has she been asleep?  The BBC canvassed the views of a few Continentals and though the may have some … Continue reading

You don’t say

    The BBC is utterly shameless in the way it shapes its news output to hide inconvenient facts that at other times would be headline news. Last week we put up a post about the BBC hiding the fact that children in Kent who needed the care services were being transported around the country because the Council was forced to supply their care services to immigrant children in preference … Continue reading

Name and Blame

  Had to laugh at this disingenuous report from the BBC that asks… Do names make us think storms are worse? Storm Imogen has battered Wales and the west and south-west of England, the latest in a line of such events across the UK over the winter. But are storms getting worse or is the new convention of naming them simply grabbing them more attention, asks Justin Parkinson. It seems … Continue reading

Capital Slip

Israel/Capital   Mark Urban on Newsnight referred to Jerusalem as ‘Israel’s capital’….apparently this was cause for complaint and the BBC duly prostrated itself and issued forth with a correction… Newsnight, BBC2, 14 October 2015: Finding by the Editorial Complaints Unit Complaint A viewer complained that Mark Urban incorrectly referred to Jerusalem as “Israel’s capital”. Outcome His wording suggested that Jerusalem was the undisputed capital of Israel, which is not the … Continue reading

Asian Evasion

    There’s the Daily Mail’s reporting and then there’s the BBC’s…which is more honest and revealing? The Mail reports on the gang rape of a 16 year old girl by Somali men….did you even notice the BBC reporting on this? A private school girl, mothers who excuse gang rape and a terrifying culture clash no one dares talk about: How Somalian men are living by their own laws… and … Continue reading

The Red Menace

    Strange how the BBC gives Corbyn and Co such an easy ride when they all have well known extreme views and are hard left Marxist fanatics who have no interest in the good of the people but whose sole intent is to tear down the Establishment and rout the rich.  They want to level down rather than improve life for those less fortunate. How different if you are … Continue reading

Somebody, somewhere, please say you love refugees

  The BBC is continuing its pro-immigration propaganda with relentless messaging about the plight of Syrians fleeing Aleppo and now stranded in the cold, the mud and rain at the Turkish border….now of course everyone has sympathy with them and thinks we could help in someway….but the answer is not to import them all into Europe. That is not the BBC’s narrative and they are constantly trying to raise the … Continue reading

Where’s your privilege?

  The BBC gave huge amounts of sympathetic airtime to the family of terrorist trained Moazzam Begg to agitate for his release from Guantanamo, the BBC allowed the mother of gangster Mark Duggan to fill the airwaves with claims that the police executed and assassinated her blameless little boy, Doreen Lawrence is the new Mother Teresa, and of course anti-police campaigns such as Hillsborough are given huge amounts of favourable, … Continue reading