BBC exultant over the decision by The House of Lords to undermine the Chancellor’s plan to cut tax credits. Robert Peston twisting the figures, Laura Kuenssberg claiming this is a “humiliation” for Osborne and hailing this as “a triumph” for Corbyn. The BBC has been leading the attack on the perfectly reasonable plan by the Chancellor and sees this as a victory for itself. I was on BBC5LIVE on Saturday Night … Continue reading

Selective hearing of the BBC

  Tony Blair has admitted he is guilty, his illegal and disastrous Iraq War adventure has detroyed Iraq and led to the creation of the Islamic State (‘so-called’  BBC™) Or that is what the BBC has always wanted us to believe and yesterday they spun a bit of Blair spin to their reflect their own narrative… Tony Blair concedes link between Islamic State and Iraq War Most significant, though, in … Continue reading

Naughty Naughtie

  Just been listening to Labour supporting Jim Naughtie repeatedly saying Labour should be voting ‘no’ in the House of Lords on the question of tax credits. He had the LibDem leader Tim Farron and Labour’s Owen Smith on to chat at 08:10. Curiously, in light of both parties decision to break with constitutional precedent to not vote down financial legislation voted for in the Commons, Naughtie didn’t ask the … Continue reading

The invention of islamophobia in the Golden Age of Muslim Lawfare

William Shawcross is right: Islamists are skilled at lawfare   The Telegraph reported… Muslim men having ’20 children each’ because of polygamy, peer claims Muslim men in some communities are having up to 20 children each because of polygomy and the rise of “religiously sanctioned gender discrimination” under Sharia Law, peers have warned. Baroness Cox, a cross-bench peer, highlighted a series of “shocking” examples of the impact of Sharia law … Continue reading

In Cahoots

‘Media’ matters because it underpins how societies respond to the problems they face. This makes media not only relevant to the most urgent problems of poverty and marginalisation – it makes it critical to solutions designed to address them. Drama, discussion programmes, public service announcements – can be most effectively used to deliver information and stimulate discussion.   The BBC has been caught once again shilling for the EU and … Continue reading

Is the BBC covering up a cover up?

  Tim Stanley in the Telegraph reports that Hilary Clinton lied about the causes of the attack on the American embassy in Benghazi…. Hillary Clinton’s big Benghazi lie Clinton won her encounter at the Benghazi hearings, but one important deception was exposed. The administration tried to mislead the American people about the attackers’ motives On September 11 2012, Islamists overran a compound in Benghazi, Libya and killed ambassador Chris Stevens … Continue reading

Chinese Whispers

  UK gas prices to soar if Russia cuts off supplies to Europe, National Grid warns   Newsnight’s Katz thinks this is important enough to Tweet a few times… Ian Katz ‏@iankatz1000 2 hrs2 hours ago Fmr Security Minister Lord West on Chinese Hinkley Pt deal: “How nice to have control of key areas of another country’s survival” #newsnight Hmmm….where does so much of the petrol and diesel that fuels … Continue reading

Questions Questions

  The BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg asks Lord Hall a difficult question…. “Why do you think members of the British public should be pleased to do more business with a BBC that is not democratic, is not transparent and has a deeply, deeply troubling attitude towards terrorism and Islamic conservatism?”