The Price of Appeasement

  The Danegeld (/ˈdeɪn.ɡɛld/; “Danish tax”, literally “Dane tribute”) was a tax raised to pay tribute to the Viking raiders to save a land from being ravaged.   We know that the BBC hides political and social messages within its programming, not just shamelessly distorting its news reporting to bring us a carefully shaped narrative but selecting the subject matter of its documentaries, historical dramas and, well, just about any … Continue reading

The Disabbeard

  Remember when the BBC insisted that a Syrian ‘fighter’ was definitely not a Jihadi on the run…the BBC knew this because ‘his identity is unusually well documented…He says that he was a Free Syrian Army commander, and that before the civil war he worked as a plasterer in his home city of Aleppo..’ Ah yes, that well known seal of authenticity….’He says….’ Here he is…fighter and ‘migrant’…     … Continue reading


Seen this? The former chairman of the BBC has attacked the corporation over its reporting of the recent spate of Arab terrorist attacks in Israel. Lord Michael Grade, a member of the House of Lords for the Conservative Party, claimed the BBC had failed to show “impartiality,” and focused his fierce criticism in particular on a recent report by BBC correspondent Orla Guerin, which he said promoted an “equivalence” between Palestinian terrorists and their victims. Anti-Israeli bias … Continue reading


I was amused to read this from the BBC this morning. It appears it doesn’t matter how LEFT Labour is. The suggestion is that Labour can be as hard Left as it wants..with the sole caveat that it also has to be economically credible. Which it never has been. Onwards, comrades.. Ed Miliband did not lose election because he was too left wing – study  

Doomed     The BBC reported enthusiastically from north of the border as the chippy wee lassy marshalled the troops at the SNP conference….was interested to hear from wee lassy that Cameron has not respected the views of the Scottish people…unlike the wee lassy who of course fully respects and embraces their desire not to have an independent Scotland.  Jim Naughtie said nothing. Didn’t hear much about this from the … Continue reading

The things they say

  Always interesting what BBC presenters let slip…. Last week Peter Allen apologised profusely to a Labour MP for having the rudeness to ask him questions about Corbyn’s policy on Trident….so awkward for the MP to have to deal with that apparently. Yesterday we had Jim Naughtie tell us that there is a problem with Saudia Arabia ‘whose culture is so controversial’.  Hmmm, what ‘culture’ would that be?  Not the … Continue reading

Hide and Sikh

  Muslims attack a Sikh in Birmingham   The BBC has spent a good deal of time and effort trying to make us believe that Muslims around the world are under attack….despite it appearing to most people that it is Muslims around the world doing the attacking. The Muslims, the BBC informs us, are victims of racism in the form of British foreign policy, Buddhists, Jews and pernicious Islamophobia based … Continue reading

Breaking BBC news……Israeli soldier kills Palestinian who then stabs him in self-defence.

  Fascinating how the BBC reports the cold blooded murderous attacks on Jews in Israel by Palestinians….the Palestinians were of course provoked into such attacks. When a police officer was attacked the BBC for some reason felt it necessary to point out that the police officer was wearing a stab vest and was unhurt…..whilst the Palestinian was dead…..those Israelis…how they over react to a bit of harmless attempted butchery! The … Continue reading

Only Black Lives Matter To The BBC     White cop kills ‘unarmed’ white teenager…and the BBC isn’t interested….an attitude in stark contrast to its wall to wall outraged coverage of similar deaths of black youths killed by white police officers in the US….the Guardian also has decided it is a story that doesn’t merit a look…however they do report this very similar tale today….Tamir Rice’s family calls for special prosecutor in shooting investigation…Tamir Rice of … Continue reading