Well, the BBC has done all it can to push the “Britain stronger in (sic) Europe” campaign launched today. Staying in the EU can be the “patriotic course for Britain”, former M&S boss Lord Rose said as he launched the campaign for the UK to remain a member. Lord Rose, Britain Stronger in Europe chairman, said leaving was “not worth the risk” and said Britain was “surely bigger” than “walking away”.  The EU … Continue reading


Just a quick word to say I am back from my holiday and awoke to the Today programme’s relentless bias this morning. However to be fair to the BBC, although the item at 7.10am was ALL SET UP for some left wing self righteous indignation over our failure to embrace gazillions of …coughs …”refugees’ the interviewee – Catriona Jarvis who is a  retired judge of the Upper Tribunal – was unable … Continue reading

BBC rigs its submission to Charter Review

    From the Mail: BBC ‘ignored public’s views on its future and instead used paid-for-study to represent the views of the population’ The BBC Trust side-lined the views of the public from its official report on the future of the Corporation – despite lecturing everyone else that the public’s voice should be ‘heard loud and clear’. It also skewed the results of a survey, even after telling MPs that … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

David Dimbleby presents this week’s show from Leicester, with journalist Melanie Phillips, Employment Minister Priti Patel MP, Lib Dem Leader Tim Farron MP, SNP Deputy Leader Stewart Hosie MP and Shadow Energy Secretary Lisa Nandy MP. No Ukip representation, but the irrelevant SNP are back. Interesting

Kick off tonight (Thursday) at 22.35

Chat here

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Rats in a sack

    It’s getting nasty as the blame game starts……. Scotland Yard accuses the BBC of hampering its investigations into historical child sexual abuse Scotland Yard has accused the BBC of undermining its investigation into historical child sex abuse, claiming that the corporation’s actions risked deterring victims from coming forward. Scotland Yard said that the BBC’s actions “could compromise the evidential chain should a case ever proceed to court”. In … Continue reading

May Day

  Theresa May said some sensible, measured and balanced things about immigration. The world went mad.  And the BBC gave the world a helping hand. John Pienaar and Co told us that May used a tough tone, a hard, uncompromising message, she was deliberately setting out to polarise opinion.  Really?  Wasn’t she just saying the absolute truth about uncontrolled mass immigration, a truth that most people in this country understand?  … Continue reading

The BBC…Still in denial about Savile and all that?

  Tonight Panorama broadcasts this: The VIP Paedophile Ring: What’s the Truth? What’s the truth?  Good question.  Will Panorama provide the answer?…We know that the BBC grandees have been panicking about this Panorama programme lest it bring into question the BBC’s own reporting of ‘Nick’ and his allegations….and judging by this trailing article for the programme by Ceri Thomas I have my doubts….search for ‘BBC’ and you’ll get one reference … Continue reading

Start the week open thread

  Time for a fresh open thread……a Tory conference in full swing, mass Muslim immigration, a war in the Middle East with the Turks and Russians curiously bombing everyone except the one target they should be hitting…the Islamic State, Europe in turmoil and Peston’s hair….the BBC newsroom must be working full-steam ahead, all hands to the pumps, to keep up with all that and shape it into a narrative that … Continue reading