Culture Wars

Muslim accosts injured Para in hospital A paratrooper wounded in Afghanistan was threatened by a Muslim visitor to the British hospital where he is recovering. Seriously wounded soldiers have complained that they are worried about their safety after being left on wards that are open to the public at Selly Oak Hospital, Birmingham. On one occasion a member of the Parachute Regiment, still dressed in his combat uniform after being … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

This week, Dimbo hosts Question Time from Cambridge. With him are deputy chairman of Ukip Suzanne Evans, Conservative(?) Europhile Ken Clarke MP, columnist Julia Hartley-Brewer, underwear model and Labour MP Chris Bryant and former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufaks.

Kick off Thursday at 22.35

Chat here

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Mind the credibility gap

  Jonathan Dimbleby summoned up an alarming vision of Western Civilisation under threat as the dark shadow of a Tory government looms across the land intent on turning back the clock, if not to the ravages and poverty of the 1930’s then at least to 1984, a Western Civilisation under threat from the commercial Vandals and the predations of Rupert Murdoch and his cronies in Westminster, under threat from the … Continue reading

The Voice

  If you hoped he’d seek truth and spread a little enlightenment you’d be disappointed, if you believed in his integrity you’d be disillusioned, if you thought he’d bring balance and the judgement of Solomon using wisdom gleaned through decades of mingling with Kings and commoners you’d be disabused of that soon enough. It is an unfortunate fact that Jonathan Dimbleby is as corrupt, as deceitful, as stupid, as intolerant, … Continue reading

Move on, nothing to see here

  As perfect example of the BBC mindset as you’ll find anywhere surfaced today on 5 Live Daily today(11:15 ish).  Discussing migration a UKIP representative, an MEP, said that a major problem was that freedom of movement within the EU meant that as 100s of thousands of EU citizens came to the UK there was less and less room for refugees and asylum seekers who may be in genuine need. … Continue reading

Israelis to behead and crucify Palestinian clockboy

  The BBC clears the ariwaves to report that a Palestinian schoolboy in Israel who, with creative genius, built an electronic clock and took it into school one day where teachers mistook  it for a bomb and called the police. The boy was arrested, charged, found guilty and sentenced to be beheaded and crucified by the Israeli authorities for intention to commit terrorist acts.  The BBC are all over this … Continue reading

BBC stokes Black grievance industry, discontent and anger

  Sarah Montague interviewed Ta-Nehisi Coates on Today (08:50) concerning a letter he wrote to his son preparing him for life in ‘racist’ America, a land in which the Blacks are still oppressed.  Never mind having a black President and all that.  A rare form of oppression one might think.  The letter came out in July and Coates has a long history of such racist whimpering.  You may suspect that … Continue reading