Migrant Crisis Solved?

  The BBC keeps telling us that the migrant crisis could be solved if the European countries could only come up with a unified plan to parcel out the migrants equitably. Of course what the BBC means by ‘migrant crisis’ is probably entirely different to what most people’s understanding of the term might be.  The BBC’s interpretation is that the millions of people heading towards Europe are not a migrant … Continue reading

Import Duty

  As Syrian refugees flood into Europe what baggage may some bring with them? This clip from Memri isn’t encouraging…certainly not if you’re Jewish… Following is an interview with Syrian actress Amal ‘Arafa, which aired on Al-Hiwar TV on October 4, 2008: Interviewer: If political circumstances change, what will happen? Amal ‘Arafa: Policies may change, but there is something that is already in my genes. We’ve been brought up to … Continue reading

The unavoidable man-made hell-hole reached by denial and silencing of truth

  From Nicky Campbell’s good mate….     As Jews are once again being purged from Europe just for being Jewish, and the BBC looks on apparently with the feeling that they get what was coming to them, many people point out a few problems arising from mass immigration that the BBC is all too often not just reluctant to debate but actively seeks to hide and dismiss….denying and silencing … Continue reading

Demographics Demolishing Democracies

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdHg9TADZyA   From the Guardian: Europe’s risky experiment Martin Woollacott assesses the effects of immigration Immigration on the scale that Europe has experienced constitutes a risky experiment to which we need not have submitted ourselves, and of which the final result is not yet clear. He is right that we frequently talk about it in stupid and dishonest ways. If his book sharpens a so far sluggish debate, it … Continue reading

Not loving Jeremy

  Not long ago we suggested that the BBC’s use of the modest descriptive term of ‘leftwing’ to describe Jeremy Corbyn was doing him a favour as he is to the left, far to the left, of most in the Labour Party.  If there were a Tory MP in a similar position with similarly extreme views he would be described as Far Right….and of course UKIP are usually dismissed as … Continue reading


Anyone else bored senseless with the nightly reports filed on the BBC News at Ten by Fergal Keen which are little more than pro-immigrant propaganda? He churns out the same cliches night after night – with the constant narrative that these swarming economic immigrants are lovely people out to make Europe a more vibrant and successful place. Dar Al Islam.


Well then, Labour’s John McDonnell used his appearance on BBC “Question Time” to offer a fulsome apology for his pro-IRA comments back in 2003. The BBC seem satisfied with this, honour has been restored and we can all now move on. Except, of course, McDonnell has simply resorted to lying and the BBC let him away with it. His explanation for his comments, made in 2003, was that he (along … Continue reading


The Corbyn leadership poses problems for the comrades at the BBC. They know he is vulnerable due to his extremism so they have to be a bit careful not to link themselves too closely BUT they like what he says all the same. I thought their coverage of his PMQ’s debut was incredibly biased. His “revolution” which they were swooning over consisted of him reading out other people’s questions. This … Continue reading