Haughty Naughtie

  The BBC’s Labour supporting old dinosaur, James Naughtie, is a man desperately in need of a common-man dictionary with the word ‘impartial’ explained for him rather than the BBC official issue that obviously has a different interpretation of that word to the everyday one as understood by the ‘common man’. The Telegraph tells us that Naughtie is destined to be the voice of the BBC, the vessel through which … Continue reading

Special Brew

  The BBC treated us to a ‘Migration Special’ today…not sure why it was ‘special’ as it seemed to be the same old unpleasant, emotive trickery rank with the odour of sanctimonious and completely unearned moral superiority that BBC journalists wrap themselves in. The BBC mashed together as many of its old reports on the migrants that it could, the more emotive, the more sympathy inducing, the more guilt inducing … Continue reading


A Biased BBC reader saw this and then posted me this… “How benevolent of you to manage to draw Israel into the migrant crisis in Europe in your report. It appears that at every opportunity you have available you like to get the message across to viewers, listeners and readers that somewhere along the line the Jews have a responsibility. You could have gone to any of the other cities … Continue reading


For several days, the BBC ran the sob story that “Aylan Kurdi” ended up being drowned off the Turkish coast because his father, Abdullah, had to flee Islamic State in an act of desperation and nobility. On the basis of this story, the EU has opened up its borders to potentially millions of muslims. It is now clear that there are some serious holes in this story not LEAST the … Continue reading


I listened to the BBC run yet ANOTHER sympathetic piece concerning the plight of all those poor “refugees” at the Jungle camp near Calais (7.30, Today programme) This time it’s about those noble caring leftists who send Aid to the illegal immigrants. Funny how the “world class” BBC talent misses THIS story… “150kg of clothes sent to the Calais migrants in aid. they’ve just set fire to the lot” Lovely … Continue reading


Woke up this morning to the Today programme demanding to know why the UK had ..gasp…killed two Islamic Jihadists. This is the same Today programme that has been shrieking that we must accept those who flee Islamic State. I wonder do they ever sit down and examine the extreme cognitive dissonance that permeates their daily ‘coverage”?

Counter Narrative

    The BBC doesn’t like the way you think.  You’re far too independent of mind and far too unwilling to bow to their superior intelligence, knowledge and heightened sense of morality…Hence the BBC feels justified in patronising and lecturing you with an endless stream of pro-immigration propaganda that is designed to counter your appalling prejudices, ignorance and inhumanity. Think we shouldn’t let in so many culturally alien migrants?  That’s … Continue reading

And so it begins

    Two down…many more to go!   One strike in Syria – what next? Just a couple of weeks ago, an unmanned British Reaper drone did drop a missile on a group of so-called IS fighters in Syria that killed two British citizens. One, the target, Reyaad Khan, was according to David Cameron involved in plotting a barbaric attack on British soil. In the PM’s view and, he says, … Continue reading

That’s what they pay us to do.

    After much skirmishing Tony Hall has finally fired the opening salvo in the Charter Wars and set out his initial gameplan for the BBC march to victory. It is a gameplan with imperial ambitions.  Less is definitely more in Tony Hall’s world it seems.  That world is to be seen by more and more people but filtered more and more through the BBC lens…if Hall has his way. … Continue reading