Here we go, a new Open Thread for you to detail the bias. The BBC has become a prime cheerleader for Open Borders and the UK accepting as many “Syrian Refugees” as you can shake a stick at. Each morning we are presented with ever so cuddly tales of grateful smiling Mums and cute kids. Just don’t mention the vast number of fighting age men….anyway, the floor belongs to you.

Gutter Journalism

The BBC did a hatchet job on the Hungarian PM, Viktor Orban, for his comments about Muslim migration into Europe and referenced a comment by the Economist made way back in 2007…….the BBC said.. ‘Politics of the gutter’ Out of government, Mr Orban was regarded by political analysts as a populist, to the extent that in 2007 the UK’s Economist awarded him its “politics of the gutter award”, citing his … Continue reading

Flocking Hell!

    Remember the furore over Cameron using the word ‘swarm’…apparently this meant he was dismissing the migrants (can we use that word?) as insects or animals (and listen to Sarah Montague snort in what is definitely a knowingly mocking way when Sir John Holmes talks of not seeing migrants as ‘animals’ in another interview…you know exaclty what went  through her mind and how she was thinking). Remember Gordon Brown’s … Continue reading


    The crisis deepens: Isis are threatening to capture a vital highway in Syria – its loss could spark the exodus of millions more refugees   Many credible voices, such as Lord Carey and Boris Johnson, are saying that Europe is essentially being invaded.  Had the migrants been armed we would look entirely differently at them but because they come over as ‘refugees’ they are treated benignly as if … Continue reading

Too Much Muslim Immigration Into Europe

  The BBC et al have been scathingly dismissive of the Hungarian approach to migration especially the Prime Minister’s suggestion that Hungary should only take in Christian migrants as Muslims will ‘threaten to undermine Europe’s Christian roots’.  The BBC have decided he is an extremist….Hungary PM Viktor Orban: Antagonising Europe since 2010.   However if you read the piece you will come away thinking there is nothing that Hungary has … Continue reading

Not The BBC This Time

  This demonstrates perfectly how the rhetoric over the immigration crisis has got vastly out of hand and people have lost their marbles…the Daily Mail’s Robert Hardman sinks to the depths here… A desperate father and a train ride with such grim echoes: ROBERT HARDMAN on the trains carting migrants off to detention camps in Hungary Through the condensation fogging up this oven of a railway carriage, an exhausted, ecstatic … Continue reading

Do As I Say….er….Just Don’t Be Gay

    The BBC does a hatchet job on a firm of lawyers who support the Christian employee in the US who refuses to marry gay couples….The legal team behind Kentucky’s defiant clerk We are told that ‘It has been labelled a hate group and one of twelve organisations embarking on an “anti-gay crusade” in the US, but it is a group that anti-gay rights activists are increasingly turning to … Continue reading

The Great Asylum Seeker Bidding War

    There is a bidding war going on as to who is the most humane, the most compassionate, who can get the most brownie points for making the boldest bid for pro-asylum seeker empathy. Labour’s Yvette Cooper opened the bidding, no doubt as a cunning ploy in her leadership election run, with a grandiose gesture of 10,000 whilst Andy Burnham claimed he had always been thinking along those lines … Continue reading

Off The Rails

  From the Guardian: Culture secretary warned BBC over EU coverage John Whittingdale told the corporation its track record was ‘not faultless’ and it needed to correct ‘erroneous views’ quickly, letters reveal The culture secretary warned the BBC that it must be impartial in covering the EU referendum and act quickly to tackle complaints about “erroneous views”, it has emerged. John Whittingdale wrote to Rona Fairhead, chair of the BBC … Continue reading

Holme Run

Quotas…how does that work?  If the migrants don’t want to live in the country they are forced to go to what use are quotas and why should one country or another then have to take them just because they have decided they want to go there?   The Today programme devoted the last half hour to the migration crisis….that’ll be half an hour and the other 23.5 hours on the … Continue reading