Is That True Or Did You Hear It On The BBC?

In his latest book, author David Sedgwick quotes the BBC’s own words back at it giving the broadcaster nowhere to hide. Cast your minds back a couple of years to the start of the so-called covid-19 panic. Just months into the outbreak a government advisory body called The Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviours (SPI-B) made a statement which should have instantly alerted the population to what was about to … Continue reading

Midweek 17 August 2022

Unpleasantness at the BBC . Staff are threatening to strike over the merger of 1 BBC propaganda News channel with another .There’s a petition to save it. At the time of posting this it has 2700 signatures in 48 hours .( There is also a petition to save Channel 4 from being sold – there millions of signatures – actually 9300… with 5800 in 4 months on the parliament site … Continue reading

Midweek 10 August 2022

Trivia – but important to many . The BBC has decided to stop doing the football results on Saturday evenings – a ‘tradition ‘ going back to the 1950s . A ritual for many – but something too big for the schedule ‘according to BBC sport . For those of us looking for any way to diminish and destroy the Far Left Anti British BBC – it is good news … Continue reading