The question is why such a senior BBC figure as Alan Yentob was engaging in such OVERT politicking whilst feigning neutrality in his day job? Alan Yentob warned ministers that parts of Britain would ‘descend into savagery’ unless they gave Kids Company £3million, it was claimed last night. An email he allegedly signed also said there was a ‘high risk of arson attacks’ on government buildings if the grant was not approved. The … Continue reading

Stop The Presses!

‘   Stop the presses!’   The BBC would love to do that wouldn’t they?  Perhaps they should hold their own Frontpage instead of stuffing it full of self-promotional guff from TV-land luvvies. Anyway…frontpage news on the BBC…is the BBC….. Armando Iannucci: Britain needs strong TV industry Comedy writer Armando Iannucci has called for an industry-wide defence of the BBC and British programme-makers. However it does seem that Iannucci considers himself … Continue reading


The BBC gives every appearance of outrage because the Ulster Unionist Party is walking OUT of the Stormont Executive now that is has been confirmed the IRA remains intact and still murdering. The BBC, ageing the Government and PSNI line, suggests that murder is not the same as terrorism so technically all is well. In this way, the UUP are being portrayed as the villains of the peace because they … Continue reading


Biased BBC reader Robin writes… What’s the Point of Britain’s existence? Tell a BBC type and liberal/left person that the Foreign Office should be reduced by 95% and Britain should give up its Security Council seat at the UN ( India as a replacement ?) and see them be speechless for a minute . It does work I can vouch for that . For what you are doing is advocating … Continue reading

Dumbing Down

  The normal process for a news story as it develops is that we get more information about events, the causes of them and the people involved in them. The BBC seems to have reversed that process and looks to be removing relevant information from the news. In the US a ‘disgruntled’, to say the least, ex-employee of a TV news station kills two other employees and claims that one … Continue reading

Le Crackpot Rides Again

    The BBC tells us: Europe ‘must open up to migrants’ How can it be so sure that this is the way ahead? European leaders should do more to open up and help migrants instead of using language that dismisses their rights, a UN expert on migrant rights has said. Ah, one of those UN ‘experts’.  Who might that be then? Talking about “marauders” and “swarms” was an unsubtle … Continue reading

A Good Dose Of The BBC Is What Does You Good

    The Radio Times, the BBC’s independent but apparently still loyal, Pravda-like publication has trumpeted this finding today: Two-thirds of viewers opposed to the licence fee changed their minds after just nine days without BBC services “Being without the BBC was absolutely dreadful, just awful,” said one man involved in the ‘deprivation study’. “I just didn’t realised how much we watched it…” First comment of  course is that no … Continue reading

Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink, Say No More

  Amused to hear the Today programme bring us a story about the government’s Ministry of Nudge… 0835 Behavioural scientist Dr David Halpern heads up Number 10’s ‘Nudge Unit’, the world’s first government institution that uses behavioural economics to examine and influence human behaviour, to ‘nudge’ us into making better decisions. We speak to him this morning.   Only to be followed by the BBC’s own masterclass in nudging us … Continue reading