Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink, Say No More

  Amused to hear the Today programme bring us a story about the government’s Ministry of Nudge… 0835 Behavioural scientist Dr David Halpern heads up Number 10’s ‘Nudge Unit’, the world’s first government institution that uses behavioural economics to examine and influence human behaviour, to ‘nudge’ us into making better decisions. We speak to him this morning.   Only to be followed by the BBC’s own masterclass in nudging us … Continue reading

Warding Off Evil

Justin Webb didn’t have a good day yesterday…….here’s yet another example…. Lock, stock and barrel from Bishop Hill: The unmentionables Aug 24, 2015 BBC Bureaucrats The BBC’s decision to part company with the Met Office has provoked a great deal of comment over the weekend (and a cartoon or two as well). Returning to my desk this morning I expected that the story would have run out of legs, but it … Continue reading

Hyde And Sikh

  The BBC hates Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and apparently Sikhs.  It loves Muslims regardless of what they do. Hate?  Well maybe that is too strong a word but the BBC is perfectly willing to attack the foundations of almost all religions, to attack their credibility, authenticity and integrity and to charge a religion with accusations of violence and hatred towards other religions….well, towards Islam.  No such criticism is directed … Continue reading

A Bright Shining Lie

    The memo has gone out to all and sundry at the BBC….pump out the pro-immigration propaganda at every opportunity…and they listened. I caught this little exchange (2 hrs 4 mins) between a BBC sports presenter and British runner Rabah Yousef…. ‘Rabah, you’re proudly wearing Great Britain across your vest, you were born in the Sudan and came to Britain and had to seek asylum, how much does it … Continue reading


I see the BBC have a new programme called Charisma: Pinning Down the Butterfly is a two-week series presented by Francine Stock starting on BBC Radio 4 on Monday, 24 August. I notice one of those to whom the BBC attribute “charisma” is Robert Mugabe. I am sure the next of kin of those white farmers murdered at the behest of this thug will be tuning in to hear just how charismatic … Continue reading


I noticed the BBC have instantly gone on the attack as regards the plans announced by Iain Duncan Smith to reform the way in which the Disability system works. To my mind, IDS is being very sensible, seeking to move the model away from an absolutist whether you can work or not to one that examines how much work some might be able to do. To listen to the BBC, … Continue reading


      After a tragic and shocking event like the air crash at the Shoreham Air Show in which possibly 20 or more people were killed it would be expected that there would be a feeding frenzy from the Press with all sorts of claims, accusations and wild assertions being made. You’d expect the BBC, as an organisation that has no papers to sell and no axe to grind, … Continue reading

Robinson Crusoe

  Apparently Alex Salmond would like to ship the BBC’s Nick Robinson off to a desert island and abandon him there….the spat continues as Salmond uses Robinson as his whipping boy. Alex Salmond has said Nick Robinson should be “embarrassed and ashamed” of his coverage of the Scottish independence referendum as he hit back at the outgoing BBC political editor’s attack on the “Putin”-like treatment journalists received at the hands … Continue reading

Come One, Come All

“The city is mostly Iraqi and Syrian immigrants, but some Swedes live here too.”   Nick Darlington in the comments described this video perfectly….. Migrant crisis: Inside Sweden immigration camp A classic example of the BBC’s emotive reporting trying to manipulate the viewers perceptions.  In this case it is the classic BBC tactic of contrasting ‘intelligent’, charming, articulate immigrants with what the BBC hopes are unattractive, uneducated, ignorant … Continue reading