Why does the BBC Hate England?

  John Redwood asks ‘Why does the BBC ignore England?’ and why does it instead seek to promote the European project of regionalising, and diminishing, the UK? Actually the web link says ‘Why does the BBC hate England?’, which is probably about right.   Here are his thoughts… When the Culture Secretary gave his statement on the future of the BBC, I spoke for England. I asked if we could … Continue reading

Lost Without You

‘The BBC Charter and Agreement expressly allows the acceptance of funding from the profits of BBC Worldwide and other BBC commercial services, funding from the Open University for appropriate programming and online services, and co-productions. ‘   The BBC’s main defence of its raison d’être is that it is a resource for all the creative industries of the UK without which that industry would wither and die…or at least wilt … Continue reading


Mike Cunningham, one of my fellow writers on A Tangled Web posted this review of the BBC Today programme this morning and I wanted to share. “This morning, courtesy of the BBC’s Toady (sorry) Today Programme; we were treated, if that is the appropriate term, to selective segments of propaganda disguised as news items; I term them ‘propaganda’ because only one side of an argument is given or portrayed; with … Continue reading


Is anyone surprised that Obama – the lame duck inhabitant of the White House – should choose the BBC to give his edict to the British people that we should stay mired in the EU? I was on BBC London this morning and pointed out that it was a disgrace that Obama used a willing BBC to subvert the likely outcome of the EU referendum in 2017 – when he … Continue reading

A Break From The Usual

    We spend most of our time making criticisms of the BBC, that being the nature of this site, but in an indulgent break from that here’s a film from the BBC that is a showcase for the brilliant material that it can produce……Mississippi: Tales of the Last River Rat ‘An intimate and poetic portrayal of wildlife along the Upper Mississippi River – seen through the eyes of Kenny … Continue reading

The New Jews Of Asia

    The BBC has different narratives for different religions…..Whilst they insist that Islam is a religion of peace despite wars around the world in the name of that religion the BBC, in order to defend Islam, tries to paint other religions as violent in nature thereby trying to make Islam appear no more strange and dangerous than say Christianity or Buddhism….. ‘Historically, Buddhism has been no more a religion … Continue reading

The Devotees

    Amused to hear Peter Allen saying he was going to devote the last part of his programme to the Labour Party….sure he didn’t mean that. They were of course talking  about the ‘car crash’ Labour leadership election and one subject came up was the #toriesforcorbyn windup.  A Tory voting caller told Allen that he was going to vote for Corbyn…Allen said that he strongly disapproved and that this … Continue reading


For as long as I can remember, the BBC has been to the fore in questioning the Bible, the authenticity of the New Testament etc. But when it comes to the Koran, why it’s a different story as Robert Spencer addresses here. “The BBC announced enthusiastically Wednesday that “what may be the world’s oldest fragments of the Koran have been found by the University of Birmingham.” This news is not only of … Continue reading


I’m talking about the Labour leadership contest and the increasingly fractious tone of the competition. It must be so tough for the BBC. Comrade Corbyn is making the headlines and IF polls are to to be believed (and that is one huge caveat) may actually be in the lead. Remarkably HIS supporters on the social networks are claiming the BBC is biased against the Dear Leader. Do you agree? We’ve … Continue reading