Running, Running, Running…And Not Just For Office

  Jeremy Corbyn is running for the Labour leadership and at the moment looks like having a chance to take on the mantle….much as one Ed Miliband did when he stabbed his brother in the back and stole the leadership from him.   That turned out well. However we know he isn’t too keen on interviews, or at least ones in which anybody actually asks any questions. After his debacle on … Continue reading

Rebuilding Trust In Journalism….. One Lie At A Time

    I laughed when I read Craig at Is the BBC biased? (Yes it is) saying he didn’t trust the cherry-picking Cardiff Uni-style mass of distorting quirks…..I had just been reading some of their work and one of the august journals that gives them a platform to spread their particular brand of bunk….The Conversation. This is what ‘The Conversation’ says about itself…. The Conversation is an independent source of … Continue reading

Lord Hall Hall And The Jihadi Narrative

  This is some interesting stuff from the BBC archives concerning reaction to Germany’s Lord Haw Haw broadcasts….relevant now because they were the internet broadcasts of the day. Over 9 million Brits listened to these broadcasts every day according to BBC research at the time…the most likely to listen were young males, ‘politically’ minded, from better off families…sound familiar?   In this letter the then BBC Director General wrote to … Continue reading

Lord Reith revered Hitler, says daughter….What Was He Thinking!?

    Peter Grimes in the comments reminds us that… Lord Reith revered Hitler, says daughter LORD REITH, founder of the BBC and a member of Churchill’s wartime cabinet, was a Nazi sympathiser who abhorred Jews, according to a candid biography by his daughter. Marista Leishman claims her father respected Hitler and Mussolini and adopted some of the principles espoused by the German chancellor in the running of the BBC. … Continue reading

Time Bombs

    ‘Discussing the Nazi threat and “Churchill complained that he had been very badly treated… and that he was always muzzled by the BBC”   The Queen aged 6 was a fanatical Nazi supporter….who knew? Then again  Pope Benedict was in the Hitler Youth as was that lefty hero Gunter Grass who also served in the SS…. ‘German Nobel Laureate Günter Grass admits that, between 1944-45, he was a … Continue reading

The Flapping Of a Butterfly’s Wings

  If you have ever wondered what the sound of somebody being publicly nonplussed sounds like check out Mishal Husain’s interview with David Attenborough (08:55), asked on to comment about butterflies only to find himself being interrogated on that ‘celebrity letter’ defending the BBC. Now fair do’s to Mishal Husain for asking the questions…did he sign the document and did someone at the BBC ‘encourage’ him to do so? Attenborough … Continue reading


I am sure that you, like me, will have been deeply moved by BBC “star” Lenny Henry’s moving words in defence of the Corporation in its print arm, The Guardian! “Without its support, my career would have come to an early halt, I wouldn’t have set up my own production company … and it made me brave on diversity” I think what Lenny is really saying is that he believes … Continue reading


Quite remarkable really. Another fanatical Islamist called Mohammad murders four US marines and it does not merit a a slot on the BBC Main news page. To get the details you have to jump to the World page and there you will enjoy the BBC doing everything possible to disconnect Mohammad from Islam. The default “Lone Wolf” theory is instantly applied just in case it becomes impossible to keep Islamic fanaticism … Continue reading