Stop Press….Farage Electoral Fraud Probe!!!!

    The BBC is straight on the story….no hanging about waiting for facts or details…essentially what they bring us is a headline with the words ‘Election fraud’ and ‘Farage’ in the same sentence…. Fraud probe in Nigel Farage-contested Thanet South seat   And that’s it…oooh hang on…there’s more… Kent Police are making inquiries into a report of electoral fraud in the Thanet South seat, contested in the general election … Continue reading

Keep Your Friends Close And Your Enemies Closer

  A ’30-day trial’?  I’m sure we can hang him out to dry in less time than that…… It is a remarkable thing isn’t it just how much energy the Labour Party and its fellow travellers expend on defending the BBC….the BBC which they insist is in fact right wing and in the pocket of the Conservatives. We had a look at some of this a while back and wrote … Continue reading

‘If There Is Hope It Lies In The Proles’

    The feeding frenzy over Labour’s corpse is gaining momentum with the Unions demanding their pound of flesh and a lurch even more leftward than Red Ed promised to deliver whilst others in the party also say the problem with Labour’s election pitch was that it wasn’t Marxist enough, others want to disinter New Labour on whose grave Miliband junior danced…to the Union tune. Labour was always badly riven … Continue reading

Comic Cuts

  From the Telegraph….     5Live wasn’t having a good day today…or actually it was the same old stuff we normally get from the BBC….leftist tosh presented as insightful comment. First thing I heard, as posted before, was that the Swedes were to blame for an atheist blogger being hacked to death by Muslim fundamentalists, then we had comedian Sean Hughes invited on to tell us not only about … Continue reading

“My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?”

    The BBC’s very own turbulent trendy priest, Giles Fraser, was a happy boy on Thursday morning.  He’d been following the BBC and was excited to know that come Friday the nice Mr Miliband would be padding his way to the Palace to be annointed Prime Minister…Hollyrood Palace presumably. Fraser was sorely tested come Friday morning and the unpalatable truth dawned….the British Public weren’t fools….Fraser is disgusted by the … Continue reading

Only Themselves To Blame?

    Interesting that the BBC doesn’t mention Charlie Hebdo at all in this report about an atheist blogger being hacked to death by ‘Masked attackers’. The blogger, Ananta Bijoy Das , was a critic of ‘religious intolerance’…..eventually the BBC admits that an ‘Islamist’ has been arrested.  Is an ‘Islamist’ a Muslim or not in the BBC lexicon?  Did Ananta Bijoy Das provoke Muslims and insult their religion and so, … Continue reading

‘Is The BBC Biased?’

  Amusing to hear the BBC skirting the tricky subject of BBC bias this morning as John Whittingdale, BBC sceptic or is that licence fee ‘denier’, is appointed Culture Secretary.  They did manage to get out, without choking on their lattes and cinnamon buns, that the Tories might be upset about the BBC’s ‘supposed’ left leaning tendencies, but didn’t really put over the real anger that the Tories feel about … Continue reading


This is initially encouraging; The Conservative MP appointed by David Cameron to oversee the future of the BBC believes the licence fee is “unsustainable” and “worse than a poll tax”. John Whittingdale, who has been appointed as Culture Secretary, said in October that the compulsory charge to fund the BBC should be eventually ended. “It’s actually worse than a poll tax because under the poll tax, if you were on … Continue reading