Anyone else listened to BBC 5 Live today? It sounded to me like they were having a collective emotional breakdown following the trouncing of Labour. There was a stream of Labour and SNP mouthpieces on to assure us that whilst Cameron has a “thin” majority, in-fighting over the EU will destroy this. The SNP rabble were allowed to spout about “forcing” the UK Government to accept their “anti-austerity” agenda. It’s … Continue reading

Breaking The BBC’s Stranglehold On The Narrative

    The BBC has a pretty rigid set of social and political preconceptions that people, politicians, activists, commentators and Joe Public have to conform to or be cast out into the wilderness as ‘untouchables’.  The BBC is not a tolerant organisation, it does not accept difference despite its own grandiose self-proclaimed celebration of diversity. Janet Daley in the Telegraph expands on the Left’s intimidation and bullying tactics… In the … Continue reading

Those Burning Issues

‘Overall, television coverage of the whole election has not covered itself, or anything else, in glory.  Too often it has bought the line fed to it by pollsters and pundits on one hand and been childishly confrontational on the other. This should be the last time that Television attempts to force the political reality into a preassigned format. The BBC needs fewer gimmicks, more real journalists and a new helmsman; … Continue reading


Anyone else seen Chuka Umunna interviewed by Andrew Marr this morning? I was amazed at the easy ride he was given by Marr and how he was even able to get away with saying that Labour had NOT mismanaged the economy the last time they were in power! London-based liberal elitists such as Umunna appeal to the BBC – even better that he is black. Whether the trade unions are … Continue reading


  DB on this site (h/t Craig at Is the BBC Biased?) noticed that the BBC’s Hugh Sykes was in a frenzy of sefl-righteousness about the Times using the word ‘earthquake’ as Craig reveals… I hope the @thetimes will apologise to the relatives of the recently dead in #Nepal for describing the #UK #election2015 as an earthquake. — HughSykes (@HughSykes) May 9, 2015   I hope the BBC will apologise … Continue reading

You Didn’t Believe The Hype

  The Miliband future will not be televised….not by the BBC, not by anyone. That may come as a surprise to anyone who has been following the BBC’s election coverage and had been left with the impression that Miliband was a force to be reckoned with, one that was growing in popularity and stature as the momentum of his campaign grew and carried him inevitably into No10.     Nicola … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

A post-election special edition of Question Time is on tonight from 8:30 to 9:30 pm, and so there will be a live chat.

The panel includes Labour’s former director of communications Alastair Campbell, Conservative cabinet minister Francis Maude, former leader of the Liberal Democrats Paddy Ashdown, Scotland’s deputy first minister John Swinney MSP and broadcaster and columnist Julia Hartley-Brewer.

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