
    I mentioned the BBC having fitted up UKIP in their ‘Meet the Ukippers’ film in the last post and curiously the subject has come up again…the BBC being quite proud of that little film. The Guardian tells us that ‘BBC2 controller Kim Shillinglaw calls for shows that ‘grab you by the balls’ for an audience she described as the “punk” generation.  The channel, which has become synonymous with … Continue reading

‘Al Yahud’…The Man Who Wants To Abolish Islamophobia…Go To It!

  A Muslim Conservative council candidate has said she would never stoop so low as to vote for Ed Miliband…Al Yahud…The Jew. I didn’t hear a thing on the news about this from the BBC….the first time I heard anything was a brief mention by Adrian Chiles and that was it. The BBC has reported it….but has tucked it away on the ‘England’ page, so go to the Frontpage, then … Continue reading


    BBC Trending tells us that ‘An easy way to find key tweets about the party leaders taking part in the UK general election is to type in their surnames. Searches for “Miliband”, “Clegg”, “Farage”, “Sturgeon” and others are sufficient to bring up their Twitter accounts or hashtags being promoted by party supporters.’ They should try it themselves because if you type in ‘Sturgeon’ you will find #dollgate is … Continue reading

Straight In There!!

  The BBC has totally ignored this blistering attack on Miliband and Labour for their record on the NHS… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okUUm4hAiRU     However the moment this came to light they are straight in there to dump on Cameron…worthy of frontpage news as a story in its own right apparently…. David Cameron’s West Ham football ‘brain fade’   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFlDbg8WC_8        

‘We got into the papers, didn’t we?’

    The Spectator reports that one of Miliband’s closest aides justified the shameless use of dead migrants to attack Cameron in this way… ‘We got into the papers, didn’t we?’   Not just the papers of course….Miliband had the headline on the BBC frontpage for the whole day and dominated the news bulletins all day as well…why did the BBC allow itself to be used when it knew this … Continue reading

Blood Money’s Worth

  Miliband is certainly getting his blood money’s worth out of migrants dying in the Med.  The BBC has given him headlines all day and has hardly mentioned the large amount of criticism directed at him from so many quarters. The BBC’s Chris Mason tried to blame the Tories for making this into an ‘incendiary story’ and deflecting the news agenda away from Labour’s ‘subtle, nuanced point’ about Libya and … Continue reading


My friend Jon Gaunt was on Newsnight last night discussing immigration and he has made a very revealing and interesting podcast on the experience here. Having done so many BBC “Interviews” myself over the years, I totally relate to the points Jon makes. It’s the contrivance, the clear imbalance and the horror when you say something that resonates with normal people but not their elitist view. Jon frequently talks about … Continue reading

“We Cannot Afford Mission Creep” Ed Miliband on Libya

    ‘We could not stand by as Colonel Gaddafi murdered his own people..…That’s why I said to the Prime Minister that it was right to take part in this international action…backed by the UN mandate…not a mandate for regime change…and that is the basis on which we are acting’  Ed Miliband 2011   Just to back up David on Miliband’s comments on Libya blaming Cameron for deaths of migrants. … Continue reading

The Argument About Immigration Is Simple

        Polly Toynbee asks what being ‘European’ means….. The reason so many hurl themselves recklessly at our rocky southern shores is because we are a haven of civilisation, where peace and law prevail, human rights are mostly observed, mercy is valued and murder punished. Europe may lose that reputation if it becomes primarily a fortress, ignoring the age-old humanitarian lore of the sea that long predates human … Continue reading