A guest Contribution by Graeme Thompson who posts as hippiepooter! Check out the BBC landing page for Easter Day (@ 09:35):- Just one incidental mention of Easter. On it’s UK News site (@ 09:47):- Just one secondary mention. Well, at least its Easter Day headlines do not relate Easter to Islam as Alan has highlighted here and here. Unless of course, one takes into account that the Easter Day Messages … Continue reading

Tooth or Truth

  The Guardian provides a perfect illustration of just how the truth is being twisted in the propaganda war in the run up to the election…one would have hoped for better from the über ethical Guardian… The rise of DIY dentistry: Britons doing their own fillings to avoid NHS bill In a country that prides itself on free healthcare, DIY dentistry is an almost Victorian notion of hardship. But poverty … Continue reading

Consign The BBC To The Scrapheap of History?

    From the Telegraph…. Did BBC help win Labour the 1964 election by cancelling Steptoe and Son? When Harold Wilson learned that the BBC planned to broadcast an episode of Steptoe and Son on the night of the 1964 general election, he sensed disaster. The Labour leader feared that working class voters would stay at home to watch the comedy, which in those days drew audiences of 26 million, … Continue reading

‘Muslim Men Have Cultural Problems With Women’

      A government minister, one of Asian background, Sajid Javid, tells us that ‘Muslim communities in parts of Britain have a ‘cultural’ problem that allows women to be viewed as commodities.’ He tells us…. “If we are to learn proper lessons from this, we have to look at the cultural side of some communities in Britain and see why it is that in some communities there are men … Continue reading

Something Fishy About Surging Sturgeon

  The Sturgeon caviar turns out to be more cod’s roe, or is it cods wallop, as Sturgeon is revealed to be a secret Tory….or so the Telegraph tells us… Nicola Sturgeon secretly backs David Cameron “she’d rather see David Cameron remain as PM (and didn’t see Ed Miliband as PM material)” The BBC seems rather put out and counters with the denial… Nicola Sturgeon denies ‘preferring Cameron’   Naughtie … Continue reading

The Great Debate….?

    So it’s all over bar the shouting….and what do we know that’s new?  Nothing. Anyone who has listened to Sturgeon swatting aside the hopeless journos of the Today programme will know she is an effective speaker….never mind the poll ratings in Scotland.  And everyone else was as expected. A complete waste of time that was more about the Media and its sense of its own importance than any … Continue reading

Bowen Glorifying Terrorists?

        From Harry’s Place… ‘Hey Khaled, looking good!’ The BBC as an Enabler of Antisemitic Terrorism On 1 April the world woke up to a Hamas propaganda video. It took the form of a BBC ‘interview’ with Khaled Mashaal, the leader of Hamas, and an accompanying ‘analysis’ by the BBC’s Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen. It was so Andrex-puppy-soft, so simperingly unchallenging, so knowingly complicit in helping … Continue reading

The Dark Side

    What if the BBC’s John Sweeney had said….Islam…A force for good or something more sinister?  It’s not easy to investigate Islam.  If you investigate them, they will come for you….a cult that is corrupt, sinister and dangerous, out to capture people and brainwash them.  So, a force for good or a brainwashing cult? What if Piers Morgan had said that Tom Cruise must ditch the vile cult of … Continue reading


  At Easter, a Christian festival, the BBC are more concerned about Islam and what you think about it….yesterday they gave us some Muslim propaganda and today they bring us yet more with this on the Frontpage… US Christian wears hijab for 40 days Jessey Eagan is a Christian and a mother of two, who works as a children’s director at Imago Dei Church in Peoria, Illinois. This year during … Continue reading


I didn’t get to see it myself but was interested in how the BBC has covered it! I’m talking about the “Leader’s debate” on ITV last night, of course. BBC enthusiastic about Sturgeon, in particular. It seems her brand of strident caledonian neo marxism appeals to the BBC, for some inexplicable reason! They also bigged up Bennett and Woods, whilst downplaying Farage and Cameron. No bias at all in play, … Continue reading