Start the Week 13 December 2021

Another Week of the obscene anti British Far Left propaganda from the State Broadcaster starts here .Thursday sees a bi election brought about by the fall of the MP – Owen Paterson .Perhaps the outcome of that he give pause for thought for the political change many want . But on the upside – a somber week of cancelled parties at the BBC and other parts of the Swamp .

Weekend 11 December 2021

2 weeks to Christmas. Very often the values of the BBC are demonstrated by what it chooses – editorially – to ‘big up’ rather than what it doesn’t . Whether it is an obsession with office parties or the minimising of the criminal conviction of a US race hero – the biased values of the BBC show themselves to we who see the truth . At least there are growing … Continue reading

Midweek 1 December 2021

For some reason the BBC decided to put out a 2 hour documentary about a ‘royal rift ‘. Unusually the Palace wasn’t granted a pre broadcast showing and there was the smell of injunctions in the air .Now there are suggestions that the piece was ‘toned down ‘to avoid further confrontation with the Royal Family . Perhaps the BBC isn’t so sure of itself after all?