I was entertained by the BBC running “leaks” that the Government’s changes to Welfare were not working as planned on the same day as it provided a clarion to Miliband’s planned changes to Welfare. BBC – Labour’s little helper. I like the way the BBC managed to skip over the fact that Comrade Ed seeks to remove all benefit for young people from “wealthy” homes. Casual class war and effortlessly … Continue reading

‘I wouldn’t call it England anymore!’

  The BBC run this bit of anti-Israeli propaganda: The Christian family refusing to give up its Bethlehem hill farm   Lots of emotive language and phrasing used by the BBC to create a sense that the Israelis are oppressing these people, these victims. The BBC could have saved a lot of time and effort and just recycled this old trope:   A picture is worth a thousand words…..and that … Continue reading

Still Nothing

    The BBC is still ignoring this:   From the Independent: NHS means British healthcare rated top out of 11 western countries, with US coming last     From the Guardian: NHS is the world’s best healthcare system, report says   From the Telegraph: Britain’s NHS is the world’s best health-care system, says report   From the Metro: Hate the NHS? Well, apparently Britain now has the BEST healthcare … Continue reading


What is happening in Iraq causes problem for the BBC ‘s idol, Obama. ISIS attacks in Iraq have skyrocketed ever since the retreat was sounded by Obama in 2011 and he declared the war a success. Rather than examine the consequences of US withdrawal (which the BBC fully supported) it keeps going back to place blame on Bush and Blair. Furthermore, why doesn’t the BBC explore why Iran supports Assad … Continue reading


I suppose the opportunity was too great to resist? I saw John Simpson slobbering on about how Iran represents our best chance to “save” Iraq on the BBC news. Given that Obama and Cameron have thrown their weight in behind the Mad Mullahs as the salvation of Iraq, it was inevitable that the likes of the BBC would then row in extolling the virtues of the same regime that keeps … Continue reading

The NHS……Best in the West

    Did you hear of this on the BBC this morning?… I must have missed the enormous fanfare announcing the good news: NHS pushes UK’s healthcare to top of the league table out of 11 western countries, with US coming last Britain’s healthcare has been lauded as the best out of 11 of the world’s wealthiest countries, following a far-reaching study by a US-based foundation. In a report entitled … Continue reading

Hamming It Up

  John Humphrys wasn’t having a very good morning today as he tried to manufacture a link between the 2003 invasion of Iraq and ISIS whilst interviewing US diplomat Paul Bremer who ran Iraq after the invasion. Humphrys has history on Iraq being fervently opposed to the invasion and consistently making that clear throughout the time the US was in Iraq starting of course with his and Andrew Gilligan’s misleading … Continue reading

The Oh So Vulgar Evan Davis

    The Today programme decided it had to do a routine on the Magna Carta, (08:22) the BBC being then BBC they had a not so subtle undercurrent of disdain and amused contempt for the whole thing much as Gavin Esler did when talking of ‘British values’…‘whatever they are…smirk smirk’.   Historian David Starkey didn’t let them get away with their patronising attitude saying that ‘Tradition’ was a word … Continue reading