A Living History Lesson

      A map marked with crude chinagraph-pencil in the second decade of the 20th Century shows the ambition – and folly – of the 100-year old British-French plan that helped create the modern-day Middle East.  Courtesy of the BBC       The BBC, most recently in the shape of Mardell and Bowen, disregard history and context at will in order to push a particular narrative of events … Continue reading

Yentob Breaks Ranks

  The BBC’s Alan Yentob obviously didn’t get the memo…no one is supposed to know that the Mirror also hacked phones……the proper line to take is that it was Rupert Murdoch who personally hacked all the phones and more than likely did away with young Milly Dowler.   Alan Yentob takes Sunday Mirror to court over alleged phone hacking Senior BBC executive Alan Yentob is taking the Sunday Mirror to … Continue reading

Gunning For Gove?

      I have already mentioned that it looked like Emily Maitlis was having a dig at Gove in her report on snap Oftsed inspections but had the rug pulled from under her by a BBC reporter with a more professional approach….and the facts of course. Guido has highlighted her tweet about Gove’s apparent little problem:   As the allegations made in the interview were total rubbish and have … Continue reading


    According to research Britain’s under 30’s are more inclined to lean to the right politically…the BBC in its radio trailer for a programme on this thought this might be a bit of a problem and have set out to investigate. Generation Right It’s a commonplace thought that the young start their lives as idealistic left-wingers, only to become more conservative with age. But are today’s twenty-somethings going to … Continue reading

The Vultures are Circling The Carcass

  The Independent has this interesting look at Sky as it positions itself to take on the BBC’s news service: The BBC was impervious to the launch of Sky News. Now they have to take notice John Ryley treasures his framed memento of the launch of Sky News – a disparaging advert placed in the Financial Times by ITV showing rusty satellite dishes and the line “Money for old soap”. … Continue reading

Where Do You Draw The Line?

‘Thoughtful’ has castigated me for not understanding that the extremist hijackers of Birmingham schools are in fact just Muslims merely following their religion….I had thought that such a narrative had been the central theme of the oft repeated posts on this site that examined and disputed the BBC’s , and the ‘Establishment’s’, own interpretation of Islam, that it is the ‘religion of peace’, that those who follow a fundamentalist belief … Continue reading

Bradford school governors ‘promoted Islamic agenda’

    The BBC has started its own Islamophobic witch hunt….and hints that the Trojan Horse letter might not be fake after all: Bradford school governors ‘promoted Islamic agenda’   After having spent such a long time firstly ignoring the Trojan Horse allegations, then downplaying them, the BBC has jumped aboard the bandwagon with allacrity and is banging out a new tune with the vigour of the converted, hunting out … Continue reading