Power Politics

    Different take on events from the BBC and the Telegraph….curious the BBC not keen to report someone saying Europe’s wind and solar energy drive is a shambles….. This is what the BBC tells us Alexey Miller from Gazprom said about the latest Russian gas deal with China: Alexei Miller, Chief Executive of Gazprom said the new deal was “the biggest contract in the entire history of the USSR … Continue reading

Trust in Me

  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hd77eNaKEck     As we know, Jasmine Lawrence, a channel editor at BBC News, decided to reveal her disdain for UKIP voters and her deep knowledge of UKIP policies by Tweeting this: “#WhyImVotingUkip – to stand up for white, middle class, middle aged men w sexist/racist views, totally under represented in politics today.”   The irony?  A woman who presumably, judging by her tweet, has a pious self regard for her … Continue reading


I’m on the Jon Gaunt radio show tomorrow morning at 11.20am discussing the Jasmine Lawrence debacle. A quick reminder.. Jasmine Lawrence, a channel editor at BBC News, has been removed from playing any part in the corporation’s coverage of the European and local council elections after tweeting a derogatory comment about Ukip.  Lawrence, who has now shut her Twitter account, posted a tweet on Wednesday that said: “#WhyImVotingUkip – to stand up for white, middle class, middle aged … Continue reading


Here’s one to focus comments on BBC coverage of the local council and European elections. I sat up and watched the early coverage from the BBC last night, and I thought it was ok but this morning, on Today, they were busy pushing the “protest and angry” voter line. Over to you….

Bigger & Dumber

    The BBC has produced a report that looks to the future…the present not being too hot. 2022: Towards 500 million   It essentially says the BBC should be seeking to grab more audience for its digital output…‘towards 500 million’ not surprisingly. And it’s not, obviously, 500 million in the UK…despite UKIP predictions…it’s worldwide. So your licence fee is going to be funding the Good News around the globe…in … Continue reading

James O’Brien’s Kangaroo Court

  Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me. —Job 38:2-3   Why is the James O’Brien interview with Farage important and on a blog about BBC bias?  LBC isn’t the BBC but O’Brien’s opinions, and they are merely opinion with a good dollop of prejudice,  typify the attitudes and … Continue reading

Farage Is Right Says Romanian

    Our new friend ‘Hendy’, who also posts comments under the names of Rodrigo, Leonard, Marvin, Benji and Harvey, amongst many others, posts this bold claim: Alan, you become more and more ludicrous with each post. You must be the only one left defending Farage’s comments. Even the man himself isn’t anymore. You must be really, really tired in that case!   No one is defending Farage’s comments you … Continue reading


Hi everyone. I have been away for a short break and even better, a complete break from the BBC. Just back in time to listen to the lead story on BBC Today this morning trot out some asinine excuses for Boko Haram’s actions in Nigeria. It appears that “Poverty” and the acts of the army are to blame for the savagery carried out there.  Nothing to do with Islam, oh … Continue reading

Neighbours From Hell

  More context for the UKIP debate……. The most damaging (They hope) attacks on Nigel Farage were as a result of him being asked if he would like to have a house load of Romanian men move in next door to him…he said he wouldn’t appreciate that based on the evidence….this was leapt upon as proof of his racism when James O’Brien in his LBC interview with Farage raised this … Continue reading