Miliband Who?

  Labour’s leader, Ed Miliband I should perhaps have to remind you, is having a torrid time…..the Tories have just overtaken Labour in the polls, he is being condemned left, right and centre, even from within his own labour ranks, he has no big policy ideas and the ones he does come up with are almost immediately shot down. You might suppose a grilling on the Nicky Campbell show would … Continue reading

“If it lies to itself, can it demand the truth of others? “

    Amnesty International seems to have forgotten all about this from Gita Sahgal: A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when a great organisation must ask: if it lies to itself, can it demand the truth of others? For in defending the torture standard, one of the strongest and most embedded in international human rights law, Amnesty International has sanitized the history and politics of the ex-Guantanamo … Continue reading


I read that  “Pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk region have claimed a resounding victory in a “self-rule” referendum, saying 89% voted in favour. In Luhansk, another eastern region, the results – also expected to show a strong backing – will be released soon. BBC reporters at polling stations spoke of chaotic scenes, no voting booths in places and no electoral register.” Gosh, that comes as a surprise, doesn’t it? The BBC … Continue reading

Boris Says BBC ‘utterly disgraceful’

    Boris Johnson: BBC’s treatment of veteran broadcaster has been ‘utterly disgraceful’ Boris Johnson says entire BBC board should travel down to Devon and apologise in person to broadcaster forced to resign for unwittingly playing song containing racist slur   The Mayor of London said that in a “modest way” Britain is living in a “Boko Haram world”, a reference to the Islamic militants who have attracted international condemnation … Continue reading

‘UAF is very proud to announce that Doreen Lawrence has agreed to become our honorary president.’

Doreen Lawrence becomes UAF honorary president UAF is very proud to announce that Doreen Lawrence has agreed to become our honorary president.   Curious…….. Doreen Lawrence denies link to group accused of Farage threats Baroness Lawrence of Clarendon played down her involvement with Unite Against Fascism (UAF), whose members are accused of trying to silence the Ukip leader       The UAF are essentially Unite Union baron Len McCluskey’s  … Continue reading

‘Am I not allowed an opinion?’ The New McCarthyism Of Charlie Bloom

  The BBC gave a platform to someone who was allowed to make an extreme comparison between Nigel Farage and Hitler and who dramatically claims Farage is fomenting racial war….all without any challenge from Dimbleby… only fair to have a look at the hypocrisy, lies and McCarthyism of Charlie Bloom…….According to whom the views of Farage, being popular with the Public, are ‘Dangerous’ and unacceptable….so what does that mean about … Continue reading

‘One Less Horribly White Radio Presenter’

  Thanks to Dysgwr_Cymraeg and ‘Is the BBC biased?’ for bringing this to our attention….just astonishing….and note the ‘complainant’, whilst he can hear an offensive word can’t actually get the name of the DJ right….David Lowe: AND FINALLY…. AFTER more than 32 years of programme-making for the BBC and UK Independent Local Radio, I have hung-up my headphones for the last time. Why? Because I made a silly mistake. Yes, … Continue reading


A Biased BBC reader brings this to our attention; “Charlie Bloom, the man who ranted at Nigel Farage ‘as a nazi’ on BBC Question Time on 9th May, is not a member of the public as required by BBCQT rules, but has been outed as a planted LibDem activist from Eastleigh. 1. Blooms former partner is Louse Bloom (LibDem councillor Eastleigh); her new Partner is also a LibDem Councillor Keith House … Continue reading