Coyled For Action

    Looking up Diane Coyle’s Wikipedia entry and this is what came up today: Diane Coyle, OBE (born February 1961), is a freelance economist and a former advisor to the UK Treasury. She is a member of the UK Competition Commission and is acting Chairman of the BBC Trust, the governing body of the British Broadcasting Corporation.   Thought that was odd…‘acting chairman’…since when?   The answer…someone didn’t waste … Continue reading

Not The Palestinian’s Fault 2

    Jeremy Bowen doesn’t do things by half.  Not content with merely reporting the news, in his own inimitable way, he has decided to play his part in making it, and history along with it, replacing Tony Blair as Middle East Envoy and deciding Israel has logically no right to exist if Palestinians don’t get their demands answered. His reply when asked about the possibility of a one state … Continue reading

The Region Of Peace

    The BBC were quick to bring you, twice, a story about Jewish school children allegedly being traumatised when taught about the Holocaust. The BBC though never seems to find the time to bring you any reports about the Palestinian education system….       …despite it being quite obviously traumatic…again for the Jews….guess the BBC only cares when it can paint Jews in a bad light….Jews teaching their … Continue reading

Not The Palestinian’s Fault

      Is that really why a peace settlement hasn’t been negotiated in the last 20 years…or is it more likely that this is the problem?: In December 2006, Ismail Haniyeh, Prime Minister of the PA, declared that the PA will never recognize Israel: “We will never recognize the usurper Zionist government and will continue our jihad-like movement until the liberation of Jerusalem.” That was in 2006….but just a … Continue reading


Well then, I have of course been following the BBC’s coverage of the arrest and subsequent release of Gerry Adams. What struck me was the almost palpable euphoria expressed by SOME BBC correspondents when Grisly was released last evening. The Today programme this morning summed it all up when, during an interview with one of Jean McConville’s children, the interview seemed struck dumb when he said he did not trust … Continue reading


I see the BBC is now actually leading the campaigning against Sugar. Two thirds of people support a ban on sugary drinks in all UK schools and academies, suggests a poll carried out for the BBC. The Populus poll of 1,000 adults in Britain also found more than four out of 10 people would support a tax on sugary drinks. And 59% said warnings on packaging – similar to those on cigarettes … Continue reading

The BBC Lying By Omission

  Here the BBC reports the latest news on the Trojan Horse plot:   ‘Trojan Horse’: Head teachers’ fears over six schools  Head teachers believe there were “concerted efforts” to infiltrate and run about six Birmingham schools in line with hardline Muslim principles. The head teachers’ union, NAHT, has been working with about 30 members in 12 Birmingham schools over claims of a plot known as Operation Trojan Horse. General … Continue reading

Mo’s Meltdown

    Iain Dale was reported to the police and ‘Tell MAMA’ for anti-Muslim bigotry by Mo Ansar after a little spat on Twitter which Iain Dale relates here: The Truth About Mo Ansar   One comment about Mo Ansar in particular that stood out was this: ‘I know of three BBC programmes who won’t entertain him as a guest’   Raises the question why those programmes refuse to ‘entertain … Continue reading


(A guest post by Graeme Thompson who comments as ‘hippiepooter’) ‘No word on TODAY ‘notes MEP and Telegraph blogger Daniel Hannan.  What on earth, in Mr Hannan’s view, could merit a ‘word’ on Britain’s flagship radio news programme that it doesn’t get? This. An election candidate arrested for quoting Winston Churchill’s unflattering observations on Islam. The election candidate in question, Paul Weston of Liberty GB, notes on his party’s website, … Continue reading