Start the Week 7 March 2022
Lots of Flag waving – but not the British one .
Lots of Flag waving – but not the British one .
Over to You
Over to You ..
War- Plague- Conquest- er – Famine (cost of living ) – welcome to 2022… over to you …and now the weather
Over to You
Thursday 24th February 2022 – a day which will go down ….
Over to You
The newspaper version of the BBC The Guardian – has published ‘100 cultural figures on 100 years of the BBC ‘ . Many commenting earn their living from collecting licence tax fees . Clearly they live in an alternative world from real people suffering from constant BBC propaganda . We can expect more during this centenary year …
Standby for a further onslaught of woke -one narrative – green propaganda after a Winter Storm . Lead the way BBC – or maybe it’s war ….
As the BBC campaigns to tell us it is ‘for all of us ‘ it just shows that deep down it knows the British public is getting Fedup with it .