Chop Chop, Catch Up

    Liked this, the BBC’s latest ‘special interest’:     Freedom eh?  The BBC’s taking a great interest in ‘Freedom’. ‘What freedom looks like to you’ it reveals.   Wonder what it looks like in Saudi Arabia? Saudi Arabia declares atheists terrorists under new laws targeting citizens who ‘call for secular thought in any form’ Saudi Arabia has officially identified atheists as terrorists in sweeping new laws that threaten … Continue reading

Mods And Cons

  “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. Allahu akbar!”     The Muslim Brotherhood….loveable rogues….or as Jeremy Bowen declared them: “conservative, moderate and non-violent”.     Later updated, corrected, to this:     Though you might argue with the ‘non-violent’ bit as well……Hamas being a Muslim Brotherhood group. … Continue reading

The Dog That Didn’t Bark

  “It is our view that the Labour government has masterminded the unnecessary imposition of competition, backdoor privatisation and the undermining of all postal services.”    said the CWU….a union affiliated to Labour!     The National Audit Office has released its report into the partial privatisation of Royal Mail. The Privatisation of Royal Mail The Department was successful in floating Royal Mail. But its approach was marked by deep … Continue reading

……And Too White, Too Male…..

    James Purnell loves that the BBC can mock itself, as in the comedy W1A, but says he takes justified criticism seriously David Bebber/The Times   The BBC…‘too white, too male, too leftwing’….said Labour’s James Purnell in an interview with The Times (Paywalled) Well….I may have exaggerated…I leave it to you to filter out the unlikely words though a clue might be this statement from him: ‘Sometimes we are … Continue reading

The Racist And Islamophobic BBC

  LOL   ‘BBC Panorama whistle-blower reveals racist and Islamophobic programme Criminal investigation underway as BBC Panorama whistle-blower reveals racist and Islamophobic programme on Tower Hamlets I believe the programme is being used for political campaigning and electioneering purposes just weeks before local and Mayoral elections in May.’ Lutfur Rahman     The BBC seems to have overcome its inbuilt reluctance to deal with ‘sensitive’ communities and has set Panorama … Continue reading


Good Morning everyone. First of all, my apologies for the site availability over the weekend. This was caused by a server migration issue and is not resolved. It was not specific to Biased BBC but did cause us a problem.  Anyway, we are back in time for a whole new week of BIAS. I see the BBC have kicked off with the latest doom-mongery from the IPCC climate hustlers, you … Continue reading

Featherbedding The Bedroom Tax Dodgers

    The ‘Spare Room Subsidy’ or as some of its critics call it, the ‘Bedroom Tax’…or as some are now calling it, the ‘Under Occupancy Penalty’. Yes, a BBC presenter did say that yesterday…a new one from the BBC with impartiality in its DNA always wanting to give you every nuance and angle to a story, a grateful audience getting to hear every voice….of criticism. Some dodgy semantics going … Continue reading


BBC in celebratory mood today as the moment draws nigh when “gay marriage” becomes legal thanks to nice Mr Cameron. But hang on a moment, there is a cloud on the horizon.. “About one in five British adults would turn down an invitation to a same-sex wedding, research suggests.” Oh no. Homophobes! How VERY dare they not bow down to the new orthodoxy.