The BBC has been digesting the budget and I was a tad surprised to hear none other than Chris Huhne invited on the Today programme this morning around 6.45am to give his judgement on the green credentials of the Coalition. The swivel eyed eco-loon former jail bird Huhne is hardly a bastion of balanced opinion but Evan Davies nonetheless was happy to let him ramble.

Phil Yer Boots

Iraqi gunmen launched a three hour assault on British troops with the aim of killing them all……the Iraqis ended up dead or captured…the survivors now complain they were questioned oppressively and shouted at quite loudly. They want money…no sorry, justice….and they knew, or thought they did, just the man to get it for them.   Lawyer Phil Shiner has been filling his boots at tax payers expense for quite some … Continue reading

The Bridge Over The River Kok

      Top Gear went to Burma looking for the River Kwai but ended up up the River Kok without a bridge…so they built one….and Clarkson made his comment about the bridge having a slope…and all hell broke loose….well a few determined-to-be-offended liberals mobilised Twitter. Just as well Clarkson wasn’t in London then….who knows what he would have said about this…..       At least there’s someone with … Continue reading

Auntie Knows Best

    Sue at ‘Is the BBC biased’ has posted on this from the ‘Life Scientific’: I listened to the delightful Anne Glover, professor of molecular and cell biology at Aberdeen University amongst other things, and one thing in particular resonated with me, and stayed in my mind. The strap line to her episode states: “Opposing GM crops is a form of madness”    I heard the interview as well … Continue reading


Well, the BBC response to the Budget has almost been as sneering and begrudging as that of Miliband. I heard Peston earlier today and he was doing all he could to make it all seem a bit of a flop. I also understand that one Labour MP was on BBC Newsnight last evening to inform us that “People can’t be trusted to have their whole pension at once.’ This incredibly patronising comment seems to resonate … Continue reading

Does ‘Bull****’ Have A ‘Hall’ Mark? This is Priceless

“Strong public broadcasting spurs a ‘race to the top’ between public and commercial media, raising overall standards across the industry. This contributes towards the sector’s economic success, cultural vibrancy and audience satisfaction.”     This post is based upon a speech given by Tony Hall, BBC Director-General, at the Voice of the Listener & Viewer Conference on Wednesday 27 November 2013. From this speech come a few interesting points…the first … Continue reading

Bang To Rights!

  The BBC are hustling this story on every news bulletin and, Newsnight like, whipping it up into a candy floss confection of spin, smear and half truths….note trigger words and phrases embedded to suggest a very clear line of thought…‘guilty secrets‘ being destroyed: Met Police corruption probe papers shredded ‘over two days’ New details about the mass shredding of documents relating to a corruption inquiry in the Metropolitan Police … Continue reading


    From WUWT: It turns out that it is the Potheads and not the Petrolheads who are destroying the planet with vast clouds of CO2, guzzling water vast resources and using huge quantities of electricity…… During California’s growing season, outdoor grows consumed roughly 60 million gallons of water a day – 50% more than is used by all residents of San Francisco. In California, indoor pot growing accounts for … Continue reading