
  From Feedback……   Who decides the news agenda? Richard Clarke, the Editor of the BBC Radio newsroom, on the stories that make the news. Deciding the agenda…’We have our own ideas…but also use the Today programme, World at One, and PM, all of which influence us.‘ ‘We test each other’s judgement….I make a much better decision when editing if I test my judgement against the rest of my team.’ … Continue reading

Cosmic Relief

    Plenty of coverage for this BBC report: Sue Lloyd Roberts hears how a religious sect that believes in Aliens and the pursuit of pleasure is trying to help victims of female genital mutilation in Burkina Faso FGM, Clitoraid and The Pleasure Hospital       I heard the report on FOOC, it’s been on Newsnight and it’s in the Independent (as above) as well.   On FOOC we … Continue reading

What Would XXXXX Do?

    From the BBC Duty Log….a listener complaint:  “I was annoyed that a report presented the ‘big bang’ theory as fact. It is only scientific fact, not what many Christians believe.”       “Sometimes I wish I was Jesus, I’d get my Air Max on and run across the sea for you”   Apparently that sentence in a song lyric was so offensive, or something, that the BBC … Continue reading


  Paxman has once again been rampaging around the country on his obsessive hobby horse making highly political comments about Tory ministers…and calling Cameron an idiot because Paxman thinks commemorating WWI is somehow the same as celebrating it. Jeremy Paxman reopens war of words with Michael Gove over the WW1 centenary: ‘A charlatan’ who scores ‘cheap political points’     Can’t quite see how the BBC can continue to use … Continue reading

Sunk Without Trace

  You can’t keep a good man down, but it seems ex BBC climate change activist, Richard Black, has slipped off to pastures new…and unknown? He was Director of Communications at the Global Ocean Commission but hasn’t tweeted since December 17 and that position looks to have been filled now by a ‘Justin Woolford’. Justin Woolford, Director of Communications Justin joined the Commission in January 2014 bringing extensive experience in communications … Continue reading

Sack Tony Hall

    Tony Hall clearly has no control over the direction of travel the BBC takes politically….how can he claim impartiality is in the BBC’s DNA when it’s prime time current affairs programmes are stuffed full of people with quite obvious leftwing tendencies?   Guido reveals that Newsnight has, unbelievably?, hired a Labour stooge as its economics editor: Newsnight Hire Pro-Labour TUC Wonk as Economics Editor TUC’s senior economist Duncan Weldon … Continue reading

Nick Robinson….Labour’s Secret Santa?

    Nice bit of a puff for Balls….nothing too rigorous from Robinson….just enough to allow Balls to paint the pretty pictures: Ed Balls ‘daunted’ by chancellor task Ed Balls has told me that he is “daunted” at the prospect of becoming Chancellor of the Exchequer, given the scale of cuts a future Labour government may have to make. “I’m daunted, because it’s going to be such a task with … Continue reading

The Fast And The Furious

  The BBC were fast to keep hyping Miliband’s energy price freeze…..not so quick to report something that may well provoke a furious reaction from consumers…especially as the blame can be laid squarely at Miliband’s door….the man who impoverished us while subsidising his mates in the green industries.   The Telegraph reports this from ‘Which’: Energy bills may rise by £600 a year Cost of building power stations, replacing grids … Continue reading

Move IT!!

  Biased BBC likes not just to amuse and amaze occasionally but also aims to inspire its readers….so if you’re starting to feel you’ve spent too much time couch potatoing here’s something to either scare the hell out of you or get you moving….if only to the fridge for another beer…..       and one more just because…..enjoy…