Search Results for: John Humphrys

In the BBC we trust


John Humphrys led the charge on Today (08:37) trying to separate fact from fiction in the EU debate…so-called debate.  Many claims have been made, but which if them have any basis in truth?

The first ‘fact’ examined was Leave stating that we send £350 million per week to the EU.  The BBC says we don’t…because we get a rebate and the EU graciously spends some of that money on UK projects….meaning that we actually ‘only’ send £190 million per week to the EU coffers to spend on themselves.

However this misses Leave’s point…as did Humphrys when interviewing Gisela Stuart recently about the NHS…that if we didn’t send any money to the EU we could decide how to spend that money ourselves…on the NHS for instance.  We could if we wished continue to spend that money on the same projects the EU spent our money on, or we could opt for some other project…but we would also have that other £190 million per week to spend.  The BBC entirely misses the point and makes no reference to it in this piece.

The next ‘fact’ was Remain’s claim that each household would be £4,300 worse off by 2030 if we Brexited.  Now the BBC did say this was an exaggeration…but made no attempt to examine whether the principle that we would lose money on Brexit stood up…the BBC just accepts Brexit means the UK economy will suffer long term as well as short term.

‘Fact’ three?  Leave says 88 million people will be eligible to come to the UK on accession of new countries to the EU…such as Turkey.  The BBC pooh-poohed this by saying it was ridiculous to suggest all 88 million would come here…and anyway it would be very difficult for these countries to meet the necessary criteria to join.  Leave of course didn’t suggest all 88 million would come…just that they would be eligible to do so if they wanted to….and with 88 million eligible even 4 or 5 million would be more than likely…and most would be Muslim Turks….not a consideration for the BBC.

The last claim examined was Remain’s claim that 3 million jobs would go…this was found not to be true….though 3 million jobs, maybe 4 million says the BBC, are connected to trade with the EU…and therefore subject to that trade continuing.  What the BBC doesn’t look at is a possibility that trade may increase, both with the EU and the rest of the world….how many jobs would we gain long term?  No answer.

Humphrys rounded the report off by saying none of the claims were true…but that isn’t true is it?  We do send £350 million per week to the EU and the EU decides how to spend it…not us.  The £4,300 figure?  The BBC just suggests an exaggeration but doesn’t dispute the ‘fact’ that families would lose out on Brexit.  The 88 million swarming over the border?  Not a claim made by Leave…but that didn’t stop the BBC suggesting that it was.  The 3 million jobs, or now 4 million as the BBC subtly suggests….would trade with the EU stop?  No.  Slow?  Maybe, but the EU would want to keep the deals going.  Increase?  Possibly…with freedom to act and the incentive to do so companies might ramp up their efforts to export both to the EU and the rest of the world.  Again no sign that the BBC will admit such a possibility here.

All in all pro-Remain…the BBC says Leave  on the face of it correct but the detail says not, conversely Remain are slightly exaggerating but on the while are correct that we are doomed on Brexit.  It looks like a genuine attempt to examine the claims but isn’t.





Merkel Uber Alles…The Same Old S**t?


Everyone knows that Frau Merkel pulls the strings in Europe…vote no and the pressure is turned on until you vote yes,  want a deal that will mean your country isn’t strangled by debt and can recover?….Frau Merkel won’t allow it. Want to control immigration?  Instead Frau Merkel will open the borders and invite the world in…in to your country.  Want help to fool the voters in the EU referendum?  Merkel volunteers her help to keep the jackboot on our necks.



Merkel runs Europe, the Germans run Europe, whatever the French may think.  And yet this BBC headline gives the impression that not only is such a thing unlikely but comparing the EU empire building and the crushing of democracies around Europe to Hitler’s empire building is extraordinarily assinine……so much so it is the frontpage’s top headline….

EU Referendum: Boris Johnson compares EU’s aims to Hitler’s

Curious they choose to make no mention in the heading of the Roman Empire or Napoleon who Boris also mentioned…but then that is typical cherrypicking by the BBC…they select a single word or phrase and give the impression that that is all one person said and that everything else he talks of hinges around that cherrypicked item…as when Boris laid out several reason for Obama not liking Britain…one of which, and he was merely quoting other’s suggestion, was that Obama was part Kenyan and his grandfather had been abused by the British.  The only bit of his speech that the BBC latched onto was the ‘part-Kenyan’ bit and went on to use that to accuse Boris of being a racist…never mind that many, many others, the Guardian amongst them, asked exactly the same question…would Obama’s part-Kenyan heritage effect his relationship with Britain?  John Humphrys disgracefully continued with that accusation of racism against Boris this week….despite Boris’ speech being based on ideas taken from the dog-whistling Guardian….

Could Obama’s dual colonial heritage spell the end of the special relationship?

The intriguing question of whether the president’s dual colonial inheritance – of Kenyan and Irish ancestry – is helping reshape America’s supposedly “special relationship” with Britain.

The BBC is pretty much a disgrace as it manipulates the news to attack Boris, leader of the Leave campaign…to label him a racist and to now try and paint him as some sort of loon who links everything to Hitler….never mind the BBC is itself constantly warning us of the rise of a new Fascism and frequently likes to link UKIP to the Nazis. The BBC is smearing Boris on behalf of its chums in Remain.  It did the same when it attacked Gove for suggesting the worthless Cameron EU ‘reforms’ were not legally enforceable…the BBC attacked him and then didn’t bother to report it when a ‘top Eurocrat’ actually said Cameron’s EU renegotiation is nothing more than a deal ‘hammered out down the local bazaar’ and isn’t legally binding.

The BBC cherry picker is very busy these days.

The BBC this week in fact used exactly the same tactic of using history to make your case by spinning us a tale of how wonderful the Roman Empire had been and how wonderfully multicultural Europe was….they didn’t of course mention the EU but you know what the real message was….

What has really shaped Europeans’ identity? In the first of a new series, historian Margaret MacMillan visits Rome to explore the idea of ‘universal’ Europe , and the constant tension between unity and diversity. From imperial ambition to local life, roads to religion, maps to food she discovers a continent and a way of life in constant creation.

Once again the BBC tries to undermine the notion of the nation state and a national or local identity.  Just more EU propaganda…and EU that wants to dismantle the UK and turn it into Regions 1, 2 and 3.

So just why did the BBC cherrypick ‘Hitler’ out of Boris’ speech when they could have chosen the Roman Empire or Napoleon?  Are they trying to give the impression that he is recklessly and hyperbolically scaremongering?  I think they are when the truth is he was, as with Obama, laying out a perfectly reasoned and historical analysis of the inevitable failure of a policy to force a ‘united’ Europe upon people who don’t really want it…it is after all a political project that is to proceed come what may, come whatever the economic cost…as Greece has found out.



Pension potboiler


The BBC is after David Cameron….his father had a business that was based offshore…shock horror.

Simon Jenkins in the Guardian says this…

If all of us sold any of our savings traded offshore we would need to sit up all night scanning our pension funds. As the financial pundit James Quarmby told the BBC this morning, millions benefit from offshore funds – and if they do not know, they cannot complain.

And of course he is right.

John Humphrys, who laid into Cameron’s dad for ‘setting up a company to avoid tax’, depsite all the people who actually know what they are talking about saying that wasn’t the case, probably has a BBC pension which profits from offshore investments.  Spot the problem?   The BBC has a £13 bn pot….how much of that is dirty money?

About the BBC Pension Scheme

Let’s look at some of the BBC’s Top 100 Investments

How about Amazon…which we all know pays little to no tax.

Imperial tobacco..the BBC trading in lung cancer and death.

Oh what about those oil companies like BP and Shell despite the BBC’s ethical green investment policy?

How about BAE….flogging weapons to Saudi Arabia.

How about the BBC’s investment in Tesla…a car manufacturer who has been getting a lot of BBC coverage recently…indeed on the Today programme this morning.  Conflict of interest?

And so on…

But also there are the banks and financial investment companies which of course have vast investments offshore…..HSBC, Barclays, JP Morgan Chase, Lloyds, Citigroup, BNP Paribas, Bank of Ameirca, Goldman Sachs and many more including many insurance companies.

All have offshore businesses.

How can the BBC set out to denounce Cameron’s dad, and thereby Cameron when their own investments are so questionable on their own terms?

Hypocrisy and cant?  Plenty of.

Here’s a story, ironically on the BBC, about a company that the BBC invests in…..

Argentina demands HSBC repay $3.5bn in offshore funds




Open Bordering on Madness



As John Humphrys proposes we open the borders to allow in what will be millions of Muslims into Europe and the Pope surrenders his religion there is at least Rod Liddle manning the borders……the ‘open border’ narrative is similar to the multicultural one where we place no restrictions on other cultures who seek to colonise Europe….we can only benefit from such rich diversity…can’t we?…

What do all these evil maniacs have in common?

If it’s Islam, you can count on the BBC and the Guardian not to mention it

We are back with the liberals, the people who think that something is a circle when it isn’t a circle. The BBC managed to deliver a series of three reports — the top story of the day — on the conviction of the Muslim child sex abusers and rapists from Rotherham, without at any point mentioning the words ‘Islam’ or ‘Muslim’. They were just yer every-day ordinary British folk, then.

I mentioned this fact in a short Sunday Times article and a small handful of liberals objected. What relevance is their religion? Well, on one count, it was the fact that they were Muslims which prevented, for politically correct reasons, the social services and the police doing anything about it for a decade or longer. But even then I might swallow the libtard argument were it not for the fact that this was not a one-off. Very far from it. The same vile abuse has happened up and down the country and the one thing the perpetrators had in common was their religion. If there had been 15 separate incidents of, say, Christadelphian or Methodist gangs raping and sexually abusing children then I suspect that the BBC might have found this strange thing that they all had in common worthy of comment and possibly even investigation.

Some of the liberals went on to assert that the commonality was cultural rather than religious — but it wasn’t, not in the other places away from Rotherham. The commonality was Islam and the attacks were occasioned as a consequence partly of its somewhat tendentious view of women and what one should be allowed to do with them, and its similarly dismissive view of humans who are not Muslim (all the victims were non-Muslim). Nor were the horrific sexual assaults on the continental mainland — the mass attacks at Cologne railway station on New Year’s Eve being the most infamous, but there have been many others — perpetrated by Pakistanis or Bangladeshis, but by North Africans and Arabs. But then the BBC didn’t care to report the identity of those people, either, showing a remarkable lack of curiosity.

Dope of a Pope


The BBC seems Pope-mad at the moment practically reporting every word of any Pope living or dead…indeed rifling through John Paul’s very personal letters for salacious tittle tattle that doesn’t exist…..hardly a day goes by without some dope on a Pope…

Pope Francis questions Donald Trump’s Christianity

Pope Francis decries migrant ‘tragedy’ at Mexico Mass

Pope Francis set for historic Orthodox Patriarch meeting

The Secret Letters of Pope John Paul II

Australian sex abuse victims want meeting with Pope


Curiously the BBC seems entirely unconcerned about a recent Papal declaration…

Pope Francis: Europe Enriched by Arab Invasions

The pontiff explained how previous invasions of Europe had enriched its cultures:

“We can speak today of an Arab invasion. It is a social fact.” … “How many invasions Europe has known throughout its history! It has always known how to overcome itself, moving forward to find itself as if made greater by the exchange between cultures.”


So we’re being invaded by the Arabs/Muslims…and it will have some sort of effect upon our own culture and society…..Maybe the Pope, like the BBC, just doesn’t see what is going on around Europe where there are heavy concentrations of ‘Arabs’ or people who subscribe to the same religion as the ‘Arabs’.

Is there any wonder the Christian church, of all denominations, is struggling when the head of one major branch firstly can’t bring himself to acknowledge openly that this is a ‘Muslim’ invasion but secondly he actually encourages his flock to embrace this new ‘culture’….a culture that is aggressively opposed to the one he is supposed to be the leading spirit of.

What hope can there be when the Pope doesn’t stand up and defend his own religion?

What hope when the Great and the Good don’t have the convictions and courage to stand up for their own beliefs?

Cameron is selling us down the river to Europe, the Pope is retiring Christianity from Europe and the BBC cheerleads them both.

In fact just been listening to John Humphrys (around 08:38) feeding ‘questions’ to the EU’s immigration commissioner, a Greek, Dimitris Avramopoulos, asking him if Europe, including the UK, must accept far more ‘migrants’.

The answer?  Of course, open the borders.

Humphrys accepted that without comment making no attempt to suggest any problems that might entail from such pious grandstanding…such as the one above….or indeed the clue that Greece has been overrun and overwhelmed by migrants….and as they continue to flood in in a never-ending stream how long before Europe is overrun and overwhelmed?  Let more in, smart thinking, a smart solution to being overrun and overwhelmed!  A Europe eventually divided on religious grounds….if not a Europe at war….Syria but on a much larger scale.  And of course no mention of the government’s prefered solution…..funding camps near to Syria…no mention of the £2 billion being spent on helping the refugees.

This wasn’t an interview, just the BBC giving a pro-immigrant voice free rein to voice their opinions…..and now we’re hearing that most of the refugees are children….Humphrys and the Today programme going for it today.

The BBC is less than reluctant to mention the reality….Most of the migrants are Muslim males which has consequences for any society they are allowed into….never mind that they will be demanding the rest of their families be allowed in at a later date.

It is an irony that the more the Popes, the Camerons, the BBCs of this world do to silence the debate on immigration and instead warn us of the dangers of the Far Right gaining power the more the Far Right succeed in mobilising people who see their own justified concerns dismissed and maligned….The BBC et al are creating the very conditions that will give rise to a Right-Wing uprising…if the Pope won’t stand up for his own religion and European culture it looks like there are others who will….



Über nationalism coming to a land near you because of the BBC’s hatred of Über nationalism.  Will the BBC be showering praise upon Father Jacek Miedlar for working to save Poland from Islamic ideology as they did for Lech Wałęsa as he saved Poland from the Commies and their totalitarian ideology?











Mandelson…The EU’s loyal lapdog


Listening to the lightweight interview that slippery Mandelson had to ‘endure’ with John Humphrys the other day I wondered why the BBC didn’t remind us of this….The EU’s loyal lapdog….

Lord Mandelson must remain loyal to EU to guarantee pension

Lord Mandelson is not allowed to criticise the European Union if he wants to keep hold of his £31,000-a-year pension as a former European Commissioner

Mandelson will receive “a European Commission pension at the age of 65”.

Lord Mandelson is entitled to the cash because he was the EU’s trade commissioner from November 2004 to the middle of last year.

Under the terms of the deal, he will receive an index-linked pension of £31,000 a year when he turns 65. The cost of buying such a deal on the private market would be £550,000.


Crisis? What Crisis?


‘I am struggling a bit to see where the crisis is.’ 

John Humphrys in his own interview on the BBC’s nursing shortage ‘crisis’ in the NHS


The BBC has been headlining with the news that there is a shortage of nurses in the NHS and foreign nurses are having to be recruited, at great expense, by the shipload.

Trouble is, much like its claim that Jeremy Hunt was misleading us on the figures for deaths at the weekends, this is a story generated, it seems, only in the minds of the BBC itself for its own reasons and purposes.

Here is their web report….a report which misses out the absolutely crucial information that we only found out on the Today programme….trouble is, it seems the BBC only found out at the same time, found out that their story is complete bunk….hence John Humphrys’ reaction….’I’m struggling a bit to see where the crisis is?’  Yeah…that’s because there isn’t one.  Clearly either the BBC reporters did not research the story properly or they didn’t care that it was wrong and went ahead anyway in the hope that it was a ‘scoop’.

The whole piece began at 08:13:32 where we heard that patients were getting the care they needed with the help of agency staff, but John Humphrys interviewed Ian Cummings (08:19), chief executive of Health Education England who gave the lie to the BBC narrative.

The reason there is a ‘shortage’ of nurses?  Not because there is a lack of recruits, not because nurses are fleeing the profession but because……because the government is looking to recruit far more nurses, 24,000 more, in response to Mid-Staffs and other quality failings that have been found.  The ‘shortage’ is man-made if you like…in fact it is a ‘shortage’ in part generated by the BBC which has campaigned relentlessly for more nurses.

Are we recruiting more overseas nurses now as a response?  No…in fact we had more foreign nurses here in 2004/05 than we do now…and the level of overseas recruitment has been dropping.  Is there a shortage of applicants to be nurses?  No…there are 20,000 training places and 60,000 applicants.  Will patients suffer (as John Humphrys asked numerous times)..No.

It was at this time (08:22) Humphrys gave up and said he was struggling to see where the crisis was.  That’s because there isn’t one.  The NHS is coping until the new recruits filter through…the timescale is that it takes 3 to 4 years to recruit and train a nurse…hence by 2019-2020 the NHS should have all the homegrown staff it needs…and until then it will employ agency and overseas staff.

This is a non-story about a crisis that isn’t a crisis…a shortage of nurses that is only a shortage because the government is looking to recruit 24,000 more nurses in order to improve the quality of service.

The BBC should be applauding, instead it fabricates an entirely ficticious, negative tale about a crisis.  Why?




Persecution complex



Dan Walker has been given preferential treatment by the BBC because he is a fundamentalist Christian.  He says... ‘I don’t want to be persecuted because I am a Christian’

The broadcaster, who currently hosts Afternoon Edition on BBC Radio 5 Live and Football Focus on BBC One, will replace BBC Breakfast’s Bill Turnbull when the veteran morning presenter leaves at the end of this month.

Walker, who does not work on Sundays, says his faith will not “affect the way I do my job….. I thought we lived in a tolerant society where you can be a Christian, you can be a Muslim, you can be a Jew, and you can have those beliefs and get on with life.  I want to live in a world where Gary Lineker can present Match Of The Day even though he’s a Leicester City fan and John Humphrys can do Radio 4 even though he’s an atheist … that’s the world I want to live in. Not where I’m persecuted for being a Christian.” 

All that demonstrates the convoluted problems and twisted logic that has to be applied once you start pandering to ‘special needs’ such as religion.

It clearly does affect his job in that he won’t work Sundays if required to and unstated is the fact that anything that goes against his Christian beliefs he clearly won’t be doing either.

No good taking a job that has certain requirements only to proclaim, once you have the job, that you won’t do certain things  necessary for the job because of your religion… good applying for a job in a whiskey distillery when you are ideologically opposed to alchohol.

A whole can of worms opens up before the BBC now.

This might make it more difficult for the BBC progressives to openly sneer and deride the Evangelicals in the US…and I wonder if Harrabin is blocking Walker from reporting on climate change as people who believe in the Holy stuff are clearly loonies as he has oft said in his sly fashion….or is that only a contempt that he reserves for people on the ‘Right’ such as Republican politicians who don’t hold to the climate fascist’s orthodoxy?


Those UKIP Extremists bringing violence and division to our streets




Love listening to Planet BBC, it is another world.

The 1400 year war between the Sunni and Shia?  The BBC asks will it become the 30 year war of our time on the Today programme (o8:50).

And apparently this  1400 year old war between two religious sects is not a religious war merely a ‘sectarian’ war….a 1400 year old war that started…guess when….in 2003 with the Iraq war when those multicultural Iraqis who loved each other and thrived in their mix of Shia, Sunni and Kurds (not the usual BBC narrative when blaming Sykes Picot for imposing an unwanted national identity on naturally antagonistic communities) were traumatised and turned into sectarian bigots by the invasion.

Kind of misses out the real history of the Sunni Saddam Hussein brutally suppressing the Shia and Kurds…hence them kicking off when his boot was off their throats….funny how the BBC can forget inconvenient history…

Who are the Iraqi Shia?

Shia Muslims were oppressed by Iraq’s Baathist regime for more than 30 years and excluded from the highest ranks of power.

They make up the majority of Iraq’s population – accounting for as much as 60% – and their support is seen as vital if any new Iraqi government is to have legitimacy.


Oh yes and you know what….how did our guest (Mary Kaldor…usual lefty academic) explain the problem of ‘extremists’ creating sectarianism?…people aren’t naturally sectarian apparently and you see children, ‘if UKIP were to use violence on our streets then the divisions between being British and not being British would be much more acute.’

Yes she really did compare UKIP to the terrorists in Iraq and John Humphrys said absolutely nothing to correct her.




Shaking The World’s Conscience…But Not The BBC’s


We had a passing look at the BBC’s role in creating the immigrant crisis the other day. One thing we missed out was the fact that the immigration policy we are forced to adhere to by Europe, and cheerleaded by the BBC, is in fact the reason we cannot take in many genuine refugees.  If we are taking in 330,000 immigrants (379,000 net foreign migrants) we have no resources left to support refugees who may be in genuine need….as the Daily Mail points out…..

While ministers lay down the welcome mat to a net 330,000 arrivals, they refuse to co-operate with a plan to distribute Syrian families around the EU – arguing, with absolute justification, that we take far too many migrants as it is.

Such is the sickening consequence of losing control of our borders. Because we admit so many economic migrants, we are driven to sacrifice our noble tradition of offering a haven to genuine refugees.

Curiously the BBC found a way to mention the Mail’s comment but at the same time to avoid that clearly stated conclusion that mass immigration means we must end the policy of asylum.  Mishal Husain on the Today programme, when looking at what the papers said opened (08:39) with the Daily Mail’s comment title….’The Mail describes this well as a nightmare to shake the conscience of the free world’.   John Humphrys then said, note change in tone, now more upbeat, that ‘the Daily Mail suggests we should take in a ‘fair quota’ of refugees on the strict condition that the UK regains the right to limit migration from within the European Union’.  That of course doesn’t make the explicit link between the mass migration and the inability to take in refugees that the Mail makes…there is no causal link between the two statements by Humphrys….avoiding the difficult conclusion that the mass immigration supported by the BBC is having a huge and negative effect on our repsonse to refugees.

Nothing like massaging the truth to cover up your own part in the tragedy of the refugee crisis.