Backdoor Lobbyinig

  The BBC is quick to air grievances expressed about groups lobbying politicians…say the food industry or energy companies…but it seems they aren’t immune to a bit of arm twisting as they go nuclear to defend their gravy train license fee… Douglas Carswell points out in The Empire Strikes Back: The magnificent Andrew Bridgen MP has tabled an amendment to the Deregulation Bill to make non-payment of the BBC license … Continue reading

Confused? Let The BBC Help

    Did you know that Miliband was going to hold a referendum on Europe? If not you can’t have been listening to the BBC who trumpeted this apparent fact all day yesterday.   There does seem to be some confusion even amongst BBC journos about the meaning of Miliband’s little pledge.   John Pienaar, surprisingly perhaps,  drew a deep breath and actually criticised Miliband, saying that the…. ‘Ed Miliband … Continue reading

Islam’s ‘Dirty Little Secret’ Stays Secret Thanks To The BBC

  ‘A 2009 poll by Gallup found that British Muslims have zero tolerance towards homosexuality. “None of the 500 British Muslims interviewed believed that homosexual acts were morally acceptable,” the Guardian reported in May that year.’  Mehdi Hasan     Dan Hodges in the Telegraph asks: Why did the BBC censor a debate about gay Muslims? The programme was conducting a live debate last night in the Birmingham Mosque, in … Continue reading

Missiles Rain Down As Cameron Visits Israel….er…Didn’t They?

  From the Telegraph at 18:42: David Cameron condemns ‘barbaric’ missile attack on Israel Prime Minister David Cameron condemns “indiscriminate” attack as 50 missiles from Gaza Strip fired into southern Israel during official visit David Cameron tonight condemned a “barbaric” missile attack on Israel that struck on the first day of his visit to the country. Militants fired as many as 50 missiles from the Gaza Strip into southern Israel, … Continue reading


It’s fun watching the bank held up by Labour as the modern template for ethical and efficient banking – The Co-Op- described as “ungovernable” by its departing CEO. It’s also a tricky one for the comrades at the BBC who are usually so KEEN to get stuck into the “banksters” The default mode seems to be report this as best they can but just ignore the VERY close links between … Continue reading

Crow’s Swan Song

As David has mentioned the BBC has been particularly fawning about Bob Crow so far….he is presented as a roguish lad with none of the tough  realities behind his actions given any credence…..Thatcher was immediately, within minutes of her death, being denounced as divisive and hated, Crow is apparently ‘loved and respected’.  Pienaar has been glossing over all the complaints targeted at Crow….his high salary, living in a council house, … Continue reading

Black Street

  The BBC were quick to fill the airwaves with critical comment about C4’s ‘Benefits Street’….not so quick to mention this dangerous programme from C4: Channel 4 News removes video report from their website after it emerges four of the five ‘normal’ people questioned were from the same marketing agency Channel 4 News has removed a video from its website after it emerged that four of the five people it … Continue reading


Did you read that the BBC was not sceptical enough about immigration and the ‘European ideal’, according to one of its most senior journalists – John Humphrys? Thoughts? I don’t see how the Today programme has changed in any way and is still a toadying supplicant for the Euro ideal.