Not The BBC News

  The BBC were quick to follow Miliband’s lead and challenge the Tories on their supposed lack of women in government…as opposed to Miliband’s  abundance of the female of the species on his front bench….most of whom shouldn’t actually have been there…merely shipped in ‘decoration’ for a photo opportunity….a bit of Politicians’ Page three…..not cheap exploitation of women by Labour there then!   Political point scoring aside…does it do Miliband … Continue reading

EU Uber Alles

    Just another one, or two, to add to the suspicious list of things the BBC has avoided mentioning recently.   The German foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, in an official visit to the UK recently made some startling comments: Rise of Eurosceptic parties could put peace in Europe at risk, German foreign minister claims   Now it would surely be churlish to point out that it was the Germans … Continue reading

The Dredge Report

    The Somerset Levels…..climate change has meant they are now more like the Lost City of Atlantis…or that was the line we were being fed early on. Then the locals started kicking off….demanding dredging…..if the rivers had been dredged as they were 20 or so years ago this flooding would never have happened they proclaimed. All a bit inconvenient for the climate change brigade….not climate change but lack of … Continue reading

Dear Mr Miliband Is There Anything You Don’t Want Us To Mention In Our News Reports?

      Funny what the BBC misses out of its news reports. One of the big political  battlegrounds is ‘fairness’….just how much are the Rich really suffering for instance…just how much are they paying in taxes? That’s right at the heart of Labour’s attack on the Tories…accused of being the party for Millionaires and big business.   First of all though, no mention of this by the BBC in … Continue reading

Miliband’s BBC Praetorian Guard

  Not so long ago the BBC was accused of being Miliband’s Moutpiece:   BBC accused of becoming Ed Miliband’s mouthpiece The BBC is facing calls for an inquiry into the extensive coverage it has given to Ed Miliband’s dispute with a newspaper.     Now it looks like they have managed to avoid publicising another dent in his reputation: From the Mail…. Ouch! Ed Miliband is left off list … Continue reading

Viva La Republic!?

      Just been listening to a bit of a royalist love-in on 5Live as Charlie makes a good impression with the boat people of Somerset-Under-Water….and the BBC ‘Royal’ correspondent. The BBC had no problem with his highly political comments…in fact they give them the headline on the website: Somerset flood delay a ‘tragedy’, says Prince Charles   How times change when it suits…normally if Charlie interferes in the … Continue reading

Independent Advice?

    Remember a couple of weeks ago when we heard this: Ed Miliband wants consumer groups to improve uncompetitive markets Labour leader says Competition and Markets Authority would seek independent advice on tackling suppliers and regulators Miliband said on the BBC’s Andrew Marr programme that under Labour plans, bodies such as Citizens Advice and Which? would work with the Competition and Markets Authority to define a programme for the … Continue reading

The Very Selective BBC

  What the BBC doesn’t report is often as telling as what and how it reports other news stories.   It does seem that if for instance you are Muslim, or someone positioned to influence government policy on climate change, you are pretty safe from critical BBC investigation.   Andrew Gilligan has spent a long time investigating and reporting on the extremely dodgy happenings in Tower Hamlets where Muslim extremists … Continue reading