DB has already picked up on the Scarlett Johansson story and I see you have all been commenting on it. There was one additional element to the story that irritated me and it is this bit..from the BBC report… “Actress Scarlett Johansson has quit as an ambassador for Oxfam amid a row over her support for an Israeli company that operates in the occupied West Bank.” WHERE? Do they mean … Continue reading

BBC journalist ashamed to own a SodaStream

Scarlett Johansson’s admirable decision to sever ties with Oxfam over its criticism of her adverts for Israeli company SodaStream has led one BBC World Service journalist to declare his shame at owning one of the products: I'm not proud of this. — Roland Hughes (@hughesroland) January 30, 2014 Yeeucch. Update. Tweet deleted. Here’s the screengrab for posterity:

Redneck TV

      You gotta just love this:     That must bug the hell out of all those liberal bleeding hearts  ensconced in the bowels of the BBC plotting the revolution….or just another trendy arts programme (with climate change propaganda subtly threaded through it).   The Redneck (yes even James May…under that long hair he’s got a red neck) petrol heads bulldozer the lefty propaganda that the BBC fills … Continue reading


As picked up by George R in an Open Thread… Newsnight’s new presenter has been offered a £200,000-a-year contract to lure her away from ITV, it has emerged. Laura Kuenssberg, a BBC veteran who is currently the business editor at ITV, is set to become Newsnight’s chief correspondent next month. It was today reported that she would be earning a salary of £200,000 to appear on the programme, whose average audience has … Continue reading

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

  From Our Own Correspondent rolls on in its own inimical style.   FOOC had a little report on the Holocaust and education in Israel…it started off as if it was just a human interest story bringing us the lives of Israelis and the meaning perhaps of the Holocaust and how it still touches their lives….much as the BBC brings us the  heartwarming or heartstring plucking tales from Palestinians or … Continue reading

Katty Kay Answers Your Questions With Pure Partisan Bias

The BBC’s highest-profile talent in the US, Katty Kay, held an audience Q&A session on Twitter this morning. Once the BBC publishes the transcript on their website, I’ll update this post with a link. She didn’t say anything that would get her in trouble like last time, but she did answer at least one question with pure, unadulterated, partisan bias: From an FB user: How exactly does #Obama intend to … Continue reading

Boom And Bust

          Here’s the BBC’s take on the economy: We’ve got some really good growth….but it’s based on Services….which means ‘consumer spending’ the BBC tells us…which, as consumers have no money (cost of living crisis!) and no savings, must be funded by borrowing…which is unsustainable…therefore the recovery is built on sand….it’s the wrong sort of growth!   Trouble is…’Services’ doesn’t just consist of Retail…Services are an industry … Continue reading

What A Coincidence

    Yesterday the BBC, in the shape of Victoria Derbyshire, was plugging the Mumsnet campaign for compulsory sex education in schools….targeting Free Schools and Academies…which immediately raises some suspicions as to what is really behind this….no mention of Labour…just a ‘group of campaigners’. Justine Roberts, founder of Mumsnet, was leading the charge.  Here is Justine Roberts, with Labour’s Yvette Cooper in September last year co-ordinating Labour’s childcare policies:   … Continue reading


You have to laugh at the sheer cynicism of the BBC. This morning we awoke to the news that official figures show the UK’s economic growth in 2013 was the strongest since 2007, the year before the financial crisis. Instantly, the BBC produced an economist who was able to tell us that whilst the UK IS experiencing economic growth, it is mostly in London and the south of England. Ah, … Continue reading