The Complex Dynamics Of Wishful Thinking

  Bishop Hill has spotted the remarkable similarity between the takedown of a high flying academic in the field of psychology and that of Steve McIntyre and the Hockey Stick debunking. The only difference being one is a hero to the Guardian, the other a miserable oddball trouble maker…..the BBC’s dreaded ‘Blogger’…..   The British amateur who debunked the mathematics of happiness The astonishing story of Nick Brown, the British … Continue reading

Savile Saga Continues

    ‘BBC staff ignored up to 1,000 attacks on children by predatory DJ Jimmy Savile’ according to new damning report lifting the lid on entire scandal   This is the most interesting comment from the Daily Mail article: Liz Dux, a lawyer from Slater & Gordon, who is representing 74 of Savile’s victims, added: ‘This will not be a what-the-BBC-want sort of report.’ The report will ‘ go right … Continue reading

The Lords Spiritual

      David Cameron ‘feeds fears of Christian persecution’, former Archbishop of Canterbury says  Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, has attacked David Cameron for doing more than any other recent political leader to feed Christian anxieties that they are part of a persecuted minority.   Guess nothing has changed. Hugely disappointed in Farage for having succumbed to media pressure to dump his Christian councillor…..having had his ban … Continue reading

Who Is The Enemy? It Is Us

    Carrying on from the last post where I suggest the BBC is merely regurgitating the climate change lobby’s press releases you can see a particularly blatant example of that in their reporting of the ‘Anthropocene Era’.   It is a newly coined phrase to describe the era in which man’s influence on the planet changed it…for the worse. Climate lobbyists would like to claim it began 200 years … Continue reading

What Have The Roman’s Ever Done For US?

          Apparently the Romans are responsible for global warming.   The alarmist side of the climate change debate has long tried to deny or downplay the Medieval Warm Period…it wasn’t always like that….. This is from the ‘esteemed’ science publication ‘Nature’ in 1999: Holocene periodicity in North Atlantic climate and deep-ocean flow south of Iceland The documented history of climate change in northern Europe over the … Continue reading

Not So Biblical Floods

    The BBC were rather dishonestly using flooding in the Somerset Levels to promote the idea that we are suffering from extreme weather brought on by global warming….the floods were very unusual we were told. Which is odd because their own description of the Levels says this: This unique landscape is one of the lowest, flattest areas in the country. In ancient times it was known as the summerlands… … Continue reading

Biblical Floods

    Wickedness in the World  The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth … Continue reading

Some Light Relief

  The BBC looks down on climate change ‘deniers’….dismissing them as unqualified ‘bloggers’…unlike English graduate Roger Harrabin who can speak authoritatively on climate science….being an English graduate presumably he knows how to write a convincing tale even if not in possession of all the facts. It happened after bloggers seized on a Met Office paper revising downward its decadal global temperature projection for 2017.   Which is why this is … Continue reading

The Sun Wot Dun It!

    While some have argued that ebbs and flows in the Sun’s activity are driving the climate – overriding the effect of greenhouse gas emissions, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concludes that solar variation only makes a small contribution to the Earth’s climate.       How often have we been told that the sun plays little to no part in the planet’s climate?  It’s the CO2 stupid! … Continue reading