‘Public Opinon Is Very Incendiary On This’…..Immigration

  The census clearly shows that the decade preceding 2011 saw the greatest rise in the population in England and Wales in any 10-year period since census taking began growing by 3.7 million or 7.1 per cent. Some 55 per cent of this growth is due to immigration, immigration that primarily occurred under New Labour’s watch.   Interesting that the BBC has filled the airwaves all day with talk of immigration….based … Continue reading


The BBC have covered the story of the little Afghan girl who was detained wearing a suicide vest in southern Afghanistan, I happened to catch BBC Today early this morning, before 7am. John Humphrys introduced the item by asking the BBC correspondent IF this story could really be true. It’s as if he couldn’t believe how wicked these dark age savages really are and preferred to imply this was black propaganda deployed … Continue reading

BBC: Laughable Bias Against George Osborne’s Proposed Cuts…

Biased BBC contributor Daniel Pycock writes “If you thought the BBC were pushing the “too far, too fast” line last time, just wait for more of their output regarding George Osborne’s planned cuts between 2014-16. Take a look at this most recent article: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-25617844 I count thirty four sentences in total, of which seven contain what Osborne actually said. There are another seven ‘neutral’ sentences dedicated to paraphrasing the government’s … Continue reading

Mark Mardell Lies About Health Care

Mark Mardell, the BBC’s US President editor, has published his first post of the new year, and it’s as awful as we’ve come to expect. Doesn’t anyone read this stuff for him before he published it? (H/T George R in the open thread) A big year for Obama and the Democrats First he says that making everyone purchase health insurance is the President’s greatest achievement. The plan to make all … Continue reading

‘White liberals from left to right need to grow up.’

“If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.” -Noam Chomsky Chomsky also said this: The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum – even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going … Continue reading

Worst Storm For Hundreds Of Years

    Extreme weather is a new phenomenon isn’t it?   In January of 1953, unusual weather conditions caused Britain’s worst national peacetime disaster of the 20th century. A storm surge flooded the eastern coast of England, killing more than 300 people and leaving thousands homeless. Fifty years later, ‘Timewatch’ re-examines a calamity which is largely forgotten today.     The 1953 storm, according to Ewen McCallum from the Met … Continue reading

Harrabin’s Green Bandwagon

Harrabin admitted he was a climate change campaigner: I have spent much of the last two decades of my journalistic life warning about the potential dangers of climate change.   …bearing in mind his personal beliefs you can only admire his self control and determination to downplay his excitement at this from a few years back: The business of going green A small but influential group of CEOs are stepping … Continue reading

Harrabin’s Climate Spin…or is that ‘Vortex’

    Look at this headline from January 2013: US 2012 heat record ‘partly due to climate change’   And this from 2012: The last year in the continental US has been the country’s hottest since modern record-keeping began in 1895, say government scientists. One of the agency’s weather experts suggested climate change was playing a role in the hot temperatures.   However the BBC had to qualify the claim … Continue reading


Hi folks!  Sorry for lack of posting but my home internet died on Saturday and had to wait until now to update! My apologies! Did you perchance catch Nicky Campbell’s “The Big Questions” with Comrade Owen Jones and the rest of the usual rent-a-lefty brigade? Grim stuff! Anyway over to you!!