Start the Week Thread 23 November 2020

Isn’t it Great? Many on this site despair at not being able to change the Far Left Biased BBC sooner rather than later . But the behaviour of the BBC is now exposing the madness . Last month it was censoring “land of Hope and Glory “ at the Proms . Now it has censored a Christmas pop tune . Even the least attentive taxpayer reading this stuff in the … Continue reading

Midweek Thread 18 November 2020

You may remember that at the beginning of 2020 the government held a ‘consultation ‘ over decriminalisation of not having a TV Licence . The result was due to be published in the Summer . Well it has now said it will not announce the result of that consultation until a new BBC Chairman is annointed – which means – the Summer of 2021. Meanwhile Capita TV Licencing Inspectors /debt … Continue reading