Weekend Thread December 12 2020
Deal or No Deal Part 2 – or somewhere in between ? BBC happily shouting about shortages and price increases and not lay any of this Project Fear stuff at the door of the EU . Nothing changes .
Deal or No Deal Part 2 – or somewhere in between ? BBC happily shouting about shortages and price increases and not lay any of this Project Fear stuff at the door of the EU . Nothing changes .
Deal or No Deal ? Whichever way the wheel spins the BBC will see it as a victory for their EU . And stand bye for some made up ‘social injustice ‘involving the Chinese virus vaccine ….
A date that will live in infamy …
Over to You
Trouble for the BBC – it favours Lock Downs – but is anti government . So how will it deal with the latest chaotic ‘ government ‘ scheme ?
Over to you
Over to you -lost for words
Isn’t it Great? Many on this site despair at not being able to change the Far Left Biased BBC sooner rather than later . But the behaviour of the BBC is now exposing the madness . Last month it was censoring “land of Hope and Glory “ at the Proms . Now it has censored a Christmas pop tune . Even the least attentive taxpayer reading this stuff in the … Continue reading
Lord Dyson has been appointed by the BBC to see if its’ own senior managers were deceitful in inducing Princess Diana to give an exclusive interview in 1995. A DG appointing his own investigator is not a ‘good look’ . But one rule for the BBC – and other rules for suffering taxpayers .