Midweek Thread 5 August 2020

The 6th is another anniversary – this time its the dropping Of The Bomb on Japan . So let’s be ready for the annual rollout of The BBC reciting CND propaganda , another free run for the SNP to remove bases from Scotland – with a dusting of braveheart independence again – on top of its’ enthusiastic support for the latest iteration of Marxism .

Start the Week Thread 3 August 2020

This is an extract from the BBC website – you decide fantasy from reality . ….. The Royal Charter sets out the BBC’s Public Purposes: 1 To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them. 2 To support learning for people of all ages. 3 To show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services. 4To reflect, represent and serve … Continue reading

Weekend Thread 25 July 2020

The BBC loves a statistic . On Twitter a bbc employee crowed that on average 438 million non UK people visit BBC News each week . And the instant response ? But they don’t have to pay for the monster ….if they want it – let them pay for it – don’t make the british taxpayer fund it through threats and prosecution . https://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/latestnews/2020/global-reach And – of the 1495 people … Continue reading

Weekend Thread 18 July 2020

The biased Far Left BBC continues to re announce ‘job losses ‘, closing programmes and then ‘saving ‘ them as though we care about them . The truth is that the social campaigning propaganda onslaught is being noticed by more and more people who are forced by law pay for the poison . There is no evidence of ‘diversity of views ‘ from the publicly funded State Broadcaster .